Then I bought Advil from the makeshift pharmacy. I've taken three pills. I'm still in pain.
So, I think, what will make me feel better? CANDY! Despite being on a NO SUGAR diet (which doesn't mean no nookie), I had a relapse last night and went to 7/11 for Nerds and Bottle Caps. I ate some bottle caps last night before bed. Then I woke up at 5AM because of the darn cat and ate some more. Then I got up in the morning and ate the rest before I brushed my teeth. I got to work and polished off the rest of the Nerds.
NOW I WANT MORE SUGAR! RAAAAAAR! So, I get up to go to the vending machine and see all the chocolates of the world. I don't really want chocolate, I want teeth-rotting stuff, but I give in. I put in a dollar.
And the machine spits it out. Repeatedly.
I wonder if it was trying to tell me something?
On another note, I have found my costume. A basic black vinyl jumpsuit (+ a black leather corset I already own), a short, dark wig and blue contacts.
Soon, I will go from this:

dude, nerds? they're awful!
Did you mean the candy, or the Steve Urkel variety?
mmm I have a sugar pie waiting in the freezer, theres also ice cream and chocolate sauce, yum, I love sugar ahhh sucre. Love the costume. I still don't know what to go as, I looked at that buycostume.com website, saw your costume from last year. Does anyone have any suggestions where good online costume stores are?
that's the one i can think of...that and I think Costumeexpress.com or fantasycostume.com or Ebay, of course!
Usually pain in your shoulder is from pressure points, if you can find the point and push down hard on it usually that releases the tension, if it starts to hurt in diobolical fashion do not continue.
Its going to be really cold so I need a costume that will keep me warm perhaps a yetti, or maybe chewbacca...
I briefly contemplated Chewbacca...would be great if you feel bloated and/or wish to hide a keg of beer.
I've been pushing, proding, squeezing, massaging and I'm still in agony. All freakin day. OW OW OW. It wont go away!!!
This calls for muscle relaxers...
That costume might get you more stella brought for you than you can handle ~grin~
Hehe. There's always room for "Stellaaaaaa!"
Though I'm getting strange looks, I've taken to whacking myself on the shoulder with the Playstation controller. The pointy ends are quite good at getting into the muscles.
Unfortunately, I've gone numb now.
Ew. Both. lol
If you change your mind about the costume, I'm looking for a partner in crime to go as Goat Boy. I know Jeff would be game, as it's not that far of a stretch for him. Oh I crack myself up.
But uhh...do you think the Chicken Lady is sexy? It's either that or a Giraffe.
Cool costume choice. You like to dress up as kick ass women I see.
Phhwwwaaaaarrrrrr. Nice outfit.
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