Didn't really realize it until this morning, when I looked back at my post from yesterday.
It said, October 1st.
And all I have to say to that is, What the Hell?
Now don't get me wrong, I love fall. Crisp mornings, crunchy leaves, golden colours, excuses to go shopping for a new wardrobe, cute boots and the whole shebang.
But my, that came fast, didn't it?
Of course my favourite part of fall is Halloween, which happens to be my favourite holiday. I know it's not technically a holiday but in my books it is. It's right up there with Xmas! In fact, I think October will be devoted to Halloween posts...or maybe just one or two.

Anyhoo, here comes a new dillema. What to be for a Halloween? I've always put a lot of thought into this, and I'm always a movie character or actor: Marilyn Monroe (twice), Holly Golightly, Cinderella...

Last year I was Uma Thurman from Kill Bill. It was pretty cool but the costume was hot and sweaty and originally made me look like I was wearing a giant yellow garbage bag. I had to do a hell of a lot of adjusting, not an easy feat for the alteration challenged such as myself. Somehow though, I managed to take in about 6inches worth of material on each leg (and around the bum) and I took in the jacket by a row of heavy duty safety pins running down the spine. But in the end, it was a hit, I looked cool (so I thought) and I was the only Kill Bill around.
Although I did spot the Black Mamba. We had a tussle.

Damn. I've gotta start working out.
Uma Thurman was Black Mamba, the other one (Daryl Hannah)was Calfornia Mountain Snake. You do not get a pencil sharpner, nor 200 dollars when you pass go...in fact, since it's 200 pounds overseas, does that mean it's over 400 dollars here? Regardless, I'm going as Underworld girl no matter how much you try to bribe me with.
Uma Thurman was Black Mamba, the other one (Daryl Hannah)was Calfornia Mountain Snake. You do not get a pencil sharpner, nor 200 dollars when you pass go...in fact, since it's 200 pounds overseas, does that mean it's over 400 dollars here? Regardless, I'm going as Underworld girl no matter how much you try to bribe me with.
And stop making me repeat myself.
My Husband has allusions that I should go as Slutty Nurse but is that such a good idea when I'm going to be herding a bunch of toddlers through the neighborhood?
Ross - I collected 100$ from your Dad for passing Go, so good enough. And the girl said she WAS the Black Mambda...I took her word for it and then we just started fighting.
Jlow- yeah but toddlers won't know the difference. I say do it anyway. Give the neighbours something too talk about.
Oh, OOPS! you're concerned about YOUR costume. Did you see Charlize's costumes in "Aeon Flux"? Movie sucked but her clothes were awesome.
Well I'm always concerned with myself...
But actually, it's fun to know what other people are being. I'm looking for Aeon Flux stuff now but its hard..same for Underworld.
So far I've narrowed it down to Padme from Star Wars..yawn.
If not a sexy nurse, what would u be?
Last Halloween I went as a bartender from the cock and bull on minimum wage making drinks for drunk old men.....hang on a minute, that was my job. Damn you NZ for not having halloween. Im at a loss as to what i should dress up as, Ive only had one halloween in my lifetime, classic times Karina, what should I go as?????
I'm seriously considering Snow White (with some kinky underthings for the old man later).
Disney characters are always fun. I was Cinderella last year and had a kinky underthing too.
Ok, well it a bottle of vodka strapped to my leg with my thigh-highs... but if I had a man at the time, I'm sure he would have thought it was kinky.
I am going as a scary psychotic redhead.
You'll have to let me know where you get your costume, then.
I am going as Carrie from the movie Carrie. I have the old prom dress. Just have to get the blonde wig and make fake blood at home. Easy sqeezy. D on the other hand wants to be Sora from Kingdom Hearts. I have a friend making the key blade and his necklace. I have to do the rest and I can't freakin' sew. I am so screwed. I can't find the wig either. ARRGH!!!
Oh, I think that you should go as Daisy Duke (Jessica Simpson style)
Yeah I was thinking that but Jessica herself had to like super workout for months before she got into those shorts...and she was tight to begin with.
Maybe, if I start working out now, I can look good in those Daisy Duke shorts...for Halloween 07.
This year I plan on going as the chicken lady from kids in the hall. Soooooooooo hot.
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