First let's discuss HNT. For the longest time, I had no idea what HNT stood for. Sure, I haven't been blogging for all that long, so I didn't know that there is a phenomenom on the Blogsphere called Half Nekkid Thursday, where bloggers (anonymous and not) will post pictures of themselves, half naked. Now I want to know...Do their bosses not mind them coming to work half-naked? Does HNT ever border on pornography? Where the hell did this whole day come from? And would I ever consider posting a picture of myself on my blog, half-nekkid?
Of course, I don't know the answers to any of these questions, except for the last one. That answer is no. As I am at work and wearing jeans and a t-shirt that says "More Cowbell" I don't think I could even remotely resemble anything sexy, let alone half-nekkid. Of course, if anyone does do this, I would like to know your reasons for it...and any answers to the above questions.
The second part of this post, is about SATC, or Sex in the City for those whose accronym (am I even spelling that right?) knowledge may need some help.
Mainly it is about SATC and it's effect on the male population. As we all know, most females watch SATC and swear on it like the Bible. Though it is a TV version of a single woman's life (ie, who the hell would spend $40K on shoes on a journalists salary? Who can wear a tutu in real life and look cute?), most of the show resonates with all women out there, single or not. Stuff happens on the show, to which you cry out "OMG that happened to me!" or, stuff may happen in your life to which you cry out "OMG just like Carrie on SATC!"
But as some women follow the show, relate to the characters and covet their choices in life, a lot of men don't give a rats arse about the show. In fact, a lot of men HATE the show.
To which I would like to ask, why? If you are a man (or you have a man) who hates SATC, why does it rub you the wrong way (is it because of the hunk below)? If you are a man (or you have a man) who loves the show (I know one or two), why do you like watching it? And if you are a man who doesn't like to admit he watches, fess up. We know who you are.

My contribution for HNT------------>
I should take some partial nudes. My reader-group would drop from 3 to 0 in no time flat! Actually, I'm sure I could attract some strange folks...gosh I wish I was more like Samantha!! Actually, I'd rather be like Carrie...but I have this fear of commitment thing going on.
I dunno, I know I would still stick around for you. As for ths other two, Jeff only likes Naked Ross and Ross only likes Naked Jeff's Mum (or was that Jeff's Naked Mum?)
Yeah, so I assume you would puke at the sight of an engagement ring like Carrie did? I've had that feeling.
I've never actually taken a ring...I have run screaming for the hills with the words "will you..." Maybe the rest of the sentence would have been "...help me up" or "...go to Disneyland with me" but I wasn't about to wait around to find out!!!
And I'M the only one who gets to see Jeff's Mom Naked!!! Ross better watch his back...
I asked one of those magic 8 balls if I was ever going to get married...the water got all bubbly and you couldn't make out any of the words except "TERRIBLE IDEA"
I asked the same question and got the phrase "Any Minute Now",
so I hurled the Magic 8 ball at my then-boyfriend's head and killed him.
Needless to say, the 8 Ball was wrong.
One of my favorite quotes is "why do I have to get married? I didn't do anything wrong!"
In any other area of the world, people would just laugh and let it go. Unfortunatly, I live in Grande Prairie, where EVERYONE (except me) thinks that the secret to happiness is getting knocked up by a rig-pig and forcing him to marry you, only to find out years later that the child was actually his best friend's.
I used to think pregnant women were so adorable...now I think that there's something terrible in the water here that causes pregnancy, so I am careful to always use my Britt.
I never saw that on an episode of SATC but I'm sure I can relate.
Apparently in Alberta we're having a BABY BOOM...
*gag me with a spoon*
Wanderlusting: Sex and the City is everything that's wrong with the world.
Janellerific: I'm too busy watching Jeff's mum's back to watch my own.
Ross- yeah yeah. In my opinion, guys that don't like the show, don't like it because these are a bunch of women who degrade men, don't need men and dispose of men. And that doesn't sit well with some men.
Janelle- we are waiting to hear the story of how you got knocked up by a rig-pig.
I think a lot of fellows (at least in Britain) are frightened by the Sex in the City foursome due to the fact that they appear to know what they want and go after it. The truth of the show and of all women is that we don't know. We just can't let men know that. ;)
SATC...please kill me. It's bad enough that women read trashy magazines and live by their content without watching a show that for want of a better word was all about the selfish "I".
And as for HNT and the idea you couldn't do sexy...obviously you don't see the same person that the rest of the world sees?
Indy - thanks I appreciate the opinion! That's what I wanted to hear.
As for the other thing? *blush*
You ~blushed~ damn !!! And I wasn't even trying. ~grin~
ooh wow..I didnt expect to see that pic at the end...dont u know I have been living of off phone sex over the last 6 months...jk
about the SATC...BD liked to watch it with me..but I think it was to be able to see what move Samantha came up with to try it out...I watched to see who Samantha was doing heheh LoL
ooh wow..I didnt expect to see that pic at the end...dont u know I have been living of off phone sex over the last 6 months...jk
about the SATC...BD liked to watch it with me..but I think it was to be able to see what move Samantha came up with to try it out...I watched to see who Samantha was doing heheh LoL
Am I the only woman in America (or the world) who does not watch SATC and the parts I have seen can't stand?
Vegas ~ I don't think so. I hated it for awhile before, then I got into it. Then I stopped watching it, then I started again. It's the kind of show (and style of show) that's not going to appeal to everyone.
I think I know of more than a few females who hate it...just like there are more than a few that hate Grey's Anatomy (what is the freakin' big deal about Dr. McDreamy? Sheesh)
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