Mysteries of the heart.
Why is it, that we can love another so deeply, so honestly and so sincerely, despite their faults (or perhaps because of them) and cherish who they really are...
...yet have trouble comprehending, understanding and believing their love for us? Are we so afraid sometimes of who we really are inside, that we can't fathom how anyone can love us in the way that we so unselfishly love them?
Beautifully said.
I think it may just be the human condition.
Many people will pinpoint this doubt to low "self-love" but even if you love yourself dearly (as I do), it is still hard sometimes to comprehend why someone would want to be with you, and feel what you feel for them.
Maybe it's really the fear of the other person waking up one day and finding that one more truth to you has broken the camel's back.
You know yourself more than anyone. You tolerate it because you are stuck with it. Perhaps we fear that if our beloved knows us this well, they won't tolerate it because they aren't stuck with us.
And the only thing that keeps you together in the meantime is pity.
I completely agree!
Though I love my guy to bits and would do anything for him, I have a hard time accepting his love for me. I mean, I KNOW that he loves me. But somedays, when I'm acting like a cow or putting on the pounds or being "difficult" I can't help but think that I'm only making him love me less.
No one loves me...not romantically anyways. How bloody depressing.
No one that you know of. There coud be a lovelorn rig pig circling your new house right this moment, and peering at you through NightVision googles.
That's so hot...I'm pretty sure the drug dealer who lives in the building across from me watches me sometimes...but I think that's just so that he can be sure I'm not calling the cops, or stealing his business. Other than that, I think I'm SOL in the love department. And actually, I'm pretty sure that's not love anyways.
But in the case that there IS a rig pig...
I think we never see our self worth as measured through the eyes of another.
We don't see ourselves as worthy.
I am in the same situation as you. Actually researched it the other day, but I'm more of a self-destruct type of person. When things are really good and going my way and I'm happy, I automatically think that something is going to happen (ie. my boyfriend is going to fall out of love with me, because he's going to realize that I'm not worth the hassle) to ruin everything. It's this behaviour pattern that almost assures that something bad will happen. So my advice to you and myself, realize that you are worth all the love in the world and that the one you are with loves you as much as you deserve. Put those feelings of doubt in the garbage and enjoy the time you have together for what it is worth.
I love the picture by the way!
Take Care
I think that Lusty meant it more as a universal question, and not a personal one,....since obviously so many people can relate...this may not be her situation at all...right???
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