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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Inspired By: Faith No More + F21 Giveaway!

Faith No More is the most AMAZINGLY underated band that ever lived.

And I can gaurantee that 75% of you will have never heard of them before. I'm not saying this cuz you all ain't cool (YOU ARE =), it's just the band isn't and wasn't very well-known for some reason (depending what circles you hang out with, of course).

But there's nothing better than discovering a band/music that's new to YOU!

And if you have heard of them, you probably only know them from the Red Hot Chili Peppers-esque song: Epic. The song was a huge hit back in the early 90's, however I happen to think it is one of their worst songs, and after hearing the rest of what they have to offer, I think you will agree.

Faith No More really came into their own when Mr. Bungle singer Mike Patton took over as lead singer at the tender age of 21.

Just look at this baby face!

MIKE PATTON Pictures, Images and Photos

Mike Patton Pictures, Images and Photos

Mike Patton is the most versatile singer to ever live.

I am not exagerating. This man can do it all, as evidenced by this quote:

Aside from Faith No More (which recently reunited - THANK GOD - after 10 years), Patton helms other bands and project such as Peeping Tom, Lovage, Tomhahawk, Fantomas, General Patton VS the Executioners and of course, Mr. Bungle (and you thought YOU had a lot of side projects going on!). I will actually devote another post purely to Mr. Patton himself and his awesomeness (great outfit inspirations there) but for now I will focus just on Faith No More. When I show you what he can do outside of FNM, you will be gobsmacked. Srsly.

Aside from Mr. Patton's smoking hot good looks and outstandingly versatile voice, I love Faith No More because of how much soul and atmosphere the band's music has. And the fact that they rock my face off -literally. Loud and proud but with melody and range.

Though FNM is classified as metal - Patton can scream his F*ing head off like no one's business - the band also dabbles in trip hop, lounge music, jazz, rock, punk and even pop. My favourite FNM songs are Ashes to Ashes, Everything's Ruined, Last to Know, Just a Man, From out of Nowhere, Last Cup of Sorrow (the video I have on my blog post HERE), King for a Day, Stripsearch, A Small Victory, Midlife Crisis, Crack Hitler, Absolute Zero, to name a few lol.

Here's the gamut of what they can do - please watch them all or at last most to get an idea. It's worth it, I promise.

Here they are doing a cover of "I started a joke" by the BeeGees, this is a perfect example of how this man CAN SING and live too. At least watch till 1:20, though the notes he hits at the end, wow. Gives me goosebumps.

So that proves that he can sing - and they can do the loungey thing. LIVE!

The sexy, moody sounds of Stripsearch might sound familiar to you - I've been playing a short clip of it on my blog for the last few days. BTW that item they show on the table at the end is a grenade....it's kind of hard to tell.

How about we look back at the hilariously bad video from Patton and FNM's early days, "Everything's Ruined" - this video is so bad and crazy on purpose, it's worth a look regardless. Plus it's one of my favourite songs and really showcases their original funk metal sound (that influenced SO many bands afterwards):

I love where they pretend to be airplanes and then get attacked by a giant turtle at the 2:40 mark - looks like they had a lot of fun. Despite the title, this song and video always makes me happy.

AND if you haven't watched any of these videos, just watch THIS ONE, playing "Ashes to Ashes" at Cannes, which was described by Bassist Billy Gould as "one of those songs that just clicked -- one of those songs that we do most naturally. That's our sound."

DAMN he's one sexy man. And the fact that he can sing definitely helps. Or maybe it's the other way around. No other man's voice has ever made me wanna take my clothes off like his.

Anyway, there is more to FNM than Mike Patton - the entire band (though they have moved around a lot with lots of switching) is a jovial bunch. I enjoy following Keyboardist Roddy Bottum on Twitter and reading his appreciative updates while on tour. Billy Gould is a good sport, willing to dress up like a woman for the Last Cup of Sorrow video and how can you not like a drummer named "Puffy" with the most awesome dreads in the world? Plus Roddy, the keyboardist, is one talented dude. I think his keyboard sounds are what really make the band stand apart. Every rock band needs a keyboardist, damnit!

Faith No More are currently on their world tour, hitting South America over the next two months and then Australia for the Soundwave festival in Feb. They have yet to come to North America.

I swear, even if the closest they get to Vancouver is LA, I am GOING! There are only two bands I would fly roughly anywhere for and Faith No More is one of them (the other is Led Zeppelin. DAMN YOU ROBERT PLANT!).

And so with much ado, here is my inspired by Faith No More outfit that I almost ended up wearing to my boyfriend's concert that night (coincidently the closest band that my bf's music sounds like is FNM, no wonder I like them). I still wore the skirt and top but added a red beret and boots and...well, you'll see next post ;P

I thought my Jeffrey Campbell boots had the perfect 90's vibe (though not as flash as the Opening Ceremony ones, they are much cheaper!), as did the cargo skirt.

Top: Zara

Skirt: ASOS

Vest: Target

Boots: Jeffrey Campbell

Necklace: ASOS

And yes, that is wig :P and yes I wore it out that night - why not? I enjoy having an alter ego. But more on that next post :P

OH and of course, a giveaway! Because I LOVE MY READERS!!!! In one week I will do a draw for a $20 E-gift certificate to Forever 21 (open to everyone as long as F21 ships there). That could get you some good stuff!

To enter, just tell me what you thought about this post/the music/the outfit or what band would you do anything to see?

And if you have been lucky enough to see them this summer...tell me about it so I may live vicariously through you!


Addendum - Sept 28: Faith No More just added Wellington and Auckland New Zealand shows for February. I am heartbroken that I will miss them by two months :(


Thanh-Tu said...

I love this look! I'm definitely loving the feathery bolero you're rocking. Maybe you can photoshop your alter ego+your normal self into one picture!

Shannon said...

That's a really cute look. I'm loving the idea of wearing a wig out.

The band I would do anything to see is The Ataris. I've been in love with them forever, and unfortunately they've never been my way. I'm hoping someday though. That, or I'm going on a road trip to the closest place they play.

Anonymous said...

I love your recreations of movie (and in this case music video ;) ) looks, they're awesome :)

I haven't been lucky enough to see FNM, but I did see Mike Patton perform with Rahzel this year at Coachella -- a very entertaining act :)

GS said...

Great band and love the dark hair! I thought you had dyed it and cut it for a second! Well now you know you'd look great as a brunette.. coming over to the dark side anytime soon? lol. You should put some of your boyfriend's band/music up here! Do they have CDs as well?

Cupcake Blonde said...

Great outfits! I always associate Faith No More with "What Is It", a video that freaked me out to no end. So I really have never been able to listen to them after that. :)

Wanderlusting said...

VEGAS - "What is it" really is called "Epic" - PLEASE do not base the band on that song!!!

That is reason why so many people think they don't like FNM. I thought I hated them because of that song, until I listened to their next three albums and fell head over heels in love.

If you like Muse, you should like FNM.

GLITTER - they (My bf's band) have CD's yes and you can purchase songs on itunes, you can sample them too:


Anonymous said...

Awesome post!! Kate (NZ)

Unknown said...

I love Lovage. Mmmmm. And dang you look sexy in that wig, good show! ;)

kayla! said...

i love the wig. it looks fantastic with your black eyeliner.

and to shannon who said she'd want to see the ataris: i saw them at warped tour a few years ago and they were fantastic and so sweet to meet!

♥ Marta ♥ said...

WOWZA... you look really awesome with short and dark hair. Every considered such a drastic change :)

Awesome pictures!Your alter ego is wicked :)

Wanderlusting said...

Marta - yes, I hope to die my hair dark red and then dark black/brown, sometime next year :)

AsianCajuns (Lauren) said...

Oh I can totally relate to the love you feel for a band. I crush on bands hard when it happens, but rarely do the relationships last long- I'm so impressed with how steady you are with FNM ;) There sound is awesome (even though I'm not really a metal girl ;)- and the lead singer is a cutey. I love your alter-ego and can't wait to see more pics!

Anonymous said...

I like you with dark hair!


Anonymous said...

I agree with the others, the black hair suits you!


Unknown said...

EPIC!! that's possibly the only song i know from them.. haha.. but i like.

and you are a HOT brunette!!! love the outfit too!!!


kimberlie said...

i love Faith No More! My friend has tickets to Sound Wave...needless to say i am jealous!

Steph said...

Oh baby, you with dark hair!! And you are one stylin' biatch!! lovin the shoes!

As for that dude from Faith No More, have to agree, there is a devilish charm to him. Very nice.

Sierra said...

Yay, I love Forever21, thanks so much for a fun giveaway! You look great in the wig, what a fun look for you! I love that you wore it out too, sounds like fun!

Amelia said...

Hmm, I'm always looking for new music. Very cool! Haha, I like the wig. I was afraid I had missed something and you had completely changed your hair :)

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy aren't we just the little go to gal on the band! You know your stuff. AND THOSE BOOTS! Mmmmm! Jeffrey shouldn't have, but I'm glad he did. Gorgeous! Love the wig too!




pretty*pink*rat said...

Love the wig! I did the same thing for Halloween two years ago, and ended up making it my own a few weeks later!

And thanks for the intro to a new band, that singer CAN sing!

PS. I'm having a GIVEAWAY too, since I've been having so much good luck at other sites, including here!

(BTW still no word from Famous Footwear?)

Wanderlusting said...

PPR - I have emailed the woman and CC'd you on the email. I really hope this is an undestanding, otherwise I will be telling everyone that Famous Footwear is a fraud.

Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous post, darling! Love your look ~ the wig is so fun!


The Barely Tattoo'd Artist said...

Not exactly a big Faith No More fan, but then again, I'm more into heavier and angsty metal compared to the 90's grunge metal...

I really do like the shoes, though...now to find them in a size 10US...

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Diggin' the alter ego wig!! You inspire me to take more risks with my dress up play. : )

Damsels said...

hmm actually ive never heard of faith no more but they sound pretty good .... my number one band to see was the yeah yeah yeahs but the tickets sell out in freakin minutes its too much to handle i get so mad jsut thinking that i wont be able to see them ..

i hope to get int o the giveaway ..
email nadia

The Budget Babe said...

as inspiring as your photo shoot was, you have not convinced me to take a second listen to faith no more but i respect your taste in music ;) hehe

Valerie H. said...

Let's get serious for a moment: I live in an ultra-conservative town (why? I don't know.) in the upper midwest and I consider it a miracle that I got to see Wilco open their tour here.

Catherine said...

I love your outfit! The photography is awesome - great angles!

I think the shoes are the perfect touch to your outfit!


Eyeliah said...

dark hair looks great on you, so mysterious. I've never listened to fnm *gasps*!

Ashley said...

I looooove your shoes! And wigs are so much fun! Everyone needs an alter-ego or two :)


Breadwinner Wife said...

Love the outfit!! You definitely wear it all well!

I would do anything to see Kings of Leon in person. My husband and I have hugely different tastes in music but we both love them so we'd get to go together and have a blast.

I love Forever 21!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Kesi said...

I think the outfit is really cute. I'm curious about how comfortable the Jeffrey Campbell's are? Thanks for the giveaway!

Ashleigh said...

So sweet of you to host another give away!!

ok so onto the band...never ever heard of them before BUT now thanks to you... ;)
I would do anything to see...this is going to sound a little tragic :P...littly Wayne!! omg I love that man ...

lastly, I think the outfit is hot...and thats mostly bc im super lusting over that dark hair/wig combo (which really has othing to do with the clothes youre wearing but still)...you look super fine with black hair..although I will ALWAYS be partial to blonde


Kendra Alexandra said...

Kiwi :)
Nice blog

Grace said...

I am loving the sunglasses. They are a great fit for your face and the skirt is really cute. I'm always looking for a good skirt that has pockets. Great ensemble. THe shoes are killer!

Lizzie said...

You're rocking that outfit. I wish I could pull it off!

smrtmouse at yahoo dot com

Annie Spandex said...

OH MY GOD I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW. Excuse while I freak out. I used to be OBSESSED with Mike Patton. He is SOOOO HOTTT!!!! You totally posted some of my favorite songs too... SO GOOD! I also LOVE Tomahawk. Their first album is the shit and I saw them live with the Melvins on the Geek tour back in 2003. AND the Fantomas cover album of horror movie themes, Director's Cut, is so perfect for Halloween. :)

Mummerina said...

I love the bloody wig. You would look awesome with dark hair. You can definitely pull off both light and dark hair!

My fav thing about this post??? The good looking brunette... oh, and Mike Patton hehe

SeptemberLovely said...

I am in LOVE with that outfit! SOOO me (minus the hat - but would wear if I could pull it off). Love Forever 21 so I hope I win!

Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...

Those shoes are SO RAD!

Wrapped up in Life said...

I remember FNM growing up - had a good chuckle reading this!

I love the vest (from Target) that you wore (or almost wore?) I may just have to go buy myself one...

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look amazing with black hair. You look so incredibly different - gorgeous as always but a totally different look.

Loopy said...

LOL! So you got me. I know FNM...but only cause of the 90's song Epic! Ahhh totally one of those girls durnit! Seems I've gotta give'm a second chance!?

The Outfit: AWESOME!!! LOVE the shoes LOVE the wig! Def is rockstar worthy! (I'd even say "Epic" for a nice FNM tie in) :)

Unknown said...

I love your "inspired by" posts. My all time favorite band is Guns N' Roses and at this point it sucks trying to see them since they NEVER tour. But I am still inspired by them, as I've dressed as Axl for the past 3 Halloweens. :)

daisychain said...

You look awesome, I am drooling over your shoes.

Jo Bryan said...

You absolutely nailed that outfit, love the wig too.
Please add me

jo xx

Wanderlusting said...

K - the JCs aren't very comfortable to be honest, one of the reasons I changed later. Really high, even with the platform and I started to get pains beneath my arch, which I've never gotten before :S

Anna said...

I would do absolutely anything to see Stars and Regina Spektor. They write the best lyrics and the greatest tunes ever.
Great post on music! I love discovering new bands. I absolutely adore your Jeffrey Campbells.
I'm not sure how this posting thing works but I guess Ill have to post my email: anna.tran@hotmail.com.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Lisa said...


Thanks for your post on this band. I'm dying to go check out their stuff!
Great idea about the wig :P It's pretty out there and creative! LOVE your shoes.
I would love to go see MGMT! Can't get enough of them!

Wanderlusting said...

Lisa - that's funny! I didn't know who MGMT was so I just listened to the song KIDS and realized my boyfriend's band covered that song when they recently played at a friend's wedding!

Mary Emily said...

I love the bolero! haha

Oh I would KILL someone to go see Paolo Nutini-He's scottish so he never comes to my little town... =)

Emma said...

I think your outfit is fabulous! I'd never be able to pull off those heels, nor would I have the guts, so kudos to you!


Jessi said...

Girl, I'm impressed by how much you know about this band. And music in general... it works out well that you have a musician BF then, huh? :)

I seriously love that wig on you. You are gorgeous as a blonde, hot as a black-haired-90s-grungy-FNM fan... so not fair!! ;)

Yay for giveaways!

Carly J. Cais said...

Thanks so much for your long and detailed post about Faith No More! I loved them ever since I heard Epic and actually still have their CD back from 1990. Don't you think the lead singer looks kinda like Johnny Depp?
I LOVE the songs you posted on here - it's so great to see a new/different side to a band I already dig.

MS said...

Cool band and cool hair! Love those boots!

Liz said...

Wow, at first I really thought you died your hair! I would love to see Franz Ferdinand... They better go on tour and I'll pay anything to see them in Portland!!! :) Thanks for this giveaway!

blogmi said...

I'm so confused- did you dye your hair or is this a wig?

I am so jealous of you for being able to sport so many different styles.

I would love love love to get the $20 Forever 21 giveaway!

heyhazelhazel said...

I love the vest with your outfit, it really makes it stand out and look unique. i can't believe it is from Target!

Delikate Rayne said...

We just DIED...you are rocking those JC heels like WHAT and that feather/fur/amazingness is SO HOT on you...

BTW you are too funny...You don't dress like Elton John lol =)

Anonymous said...

I died when I saw the boots and the vest and even more so when I found out where the vest was from! I havign been searching high and low for a faux fur vest!

Keep up the writing and music and fashion love girlie!!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hello anywhere but here!
just passed by and saw your garter belts for women post, yes it did catch my attention! after reading through, stumbled across the words "f21 giveaway" and i had to read...
so, here i am.
and can i say...loving this post. really eclectic, you touched the basis of music and fashion which mix really well together on their own.
i love your outfit, it's something i would definitely wear. the forest green against the black is a beautiful contrast of color, makes the outfit pop without really having a bright color. simply flawless.
i am such such SUCH a sucker for a great fur jacket, and this is a fabulous one. you look fabulous! also love your extreme attention to detail..you model from your head to your toes!
the shoes are fabulous, your hair is styled perfectly, and the chain necklace is the icing on the cake.
flawless darling, thanks so much for sharing this inspiration.
love your gracious comments about this music. i will say that there are far too many bands that i love and would want to see, but i was lucky enough to attend the bonnaroo music festival this sumer and see plenty of them. brett dennen with his reggae, relaxed vibe. al green, classic sound, motown beats, throwing roses in the audience. citizen cope, constant groove, rocking crowd. 4 days of absolute amazement, laying in the grass and listening to the best. that's my story of bands i love, to name a few.

check out my blog @

Unknown said...

long live fnm!

and now i want a wig - where did u get it from?

moriah said...

i want to see the band beirut...i love their music so much. and like the colors in the outfit! the shoes look expensive. :)

Fashion Court said...

love the outfit! your music posts are always interesting (in a good way, of course!)

Anonymous said...

Ehm.. how is that outfit related to FNM in ANY way? I'm not saying it's an ugly look or anything, just don't see how it's inspired by the greatest band that ever were..?

Wanderlusting said...

Anon - fashion isn't literal. If it was I'd be wearing spandex bicycle shorts, a cowboy hat and two pairs of glasses.