I decided to look back over the list and see if anything has changed - after all, your style evolves, just as fashion does, and it makes sense that after a while you may start branching out and trying things that you never thought were "you." And so, I present to you that list and anything that may have changed since then:
1.Due to my poorly constructed feet, I can not wear stiletto heels (or any heels) that go over 3 inches, which sucks since heels are just getting higher and higher these days.
- This is still true, unfortunately. I can't wear shoes over 3 inches and even then, 3 is pushing it (totally depends on the slope of the sole too).
2. I won’t wear plaid shirts (grunge aint me).
- Nope, totally bought a plaid shirt.

3. I don’t even own a pair of shorts (and haven’t since I was 15) so you can bet I won’t be wearing gauchos to work.
-Still don't own a pair of shorts, but I did roll up a pair of my cargos...does that count? Actually, this photo combines #3, #5 AND #15
4. Boyfriend jeans have to be worst trend I have ever seen and very few can pull it off – on me it would look ridiculous, fat and dirty: holes (ew), rolled up ankles (ewe w) and big baggy uppers (ew ew ew).
-Yeah, I've seen some nice BF jeans out there but I can't do baggy with rolled up (ie tapered) legs. I'm also not a fan of holes in jeans still or light washes.
5.Bowler hats (or any hat really. I have a nice vintage cloche and have flirted with fedoras but…it’s just not me. I know I do suit hats since I have a small head but when I wear them I feel like I stand out and not in a good way).
-I've been wearing a lot of hats, so I don't know what I was talking about lol

6.Most sneakers – just not my style. Too casual.
-Still holds true.
7. Light denim – unflattering, not sleek enough, too casual, can’t do it.
-mmmmm, haven't done it yet but I am not as against it as I was...
8. Jumpsuit – ha, can anyone?
- Do rompers count? And if yes, still a big no.

9. Pleated pants – see above.
-no way.
10. Lots of bracelets, layers of necklaces, many rings – I wear earrings and that’s when I remember to put them in. I can’t stand the feel of things on my wrist, on my fingers or around my neck so when I do wear them it’s for a special occasion and I will be glad to remove them soon after.
- I do this quite often...I must have been on crack when I wrote this list.
11. Turtlenecks – ok this isn’t a trend but unless it’s a floppy cowl type turtleneck, it’s a no-go on me.
-oh geez, no. Ugh. Still hate them.
12. Shirt and tie – I would look like I am trying to be Avril Lavigne.
-My theory stands correct
13. Animal print – Confession: I did just buy an animal print pencil skirt and so far I am making it work. As long as everything else is black and simple. I’ve been eyeing a few cheetah/tiger print dresses (simple sheaths) but I’m afraid I’ll look too Lisa Rinna.
-Again, I have tons of animal print stuff so I must have done a 180 on that one since October.

14. Lots of layers – wish I could pull on the effortless chic look of layering (and it appeals to me since I’ve noticed I’ve been super cold lately in the office) but I don’t know if my body is too bulky for it or I just don’t have the right items.
-Still trying to master this one.
15. Scarves – I am trying. When I was in Finland, everyone, I mean EVERYONE, had a scarf tied effortlessly around their necks. It looked so cool and European and yet when I did it, I looked like an idiot. Now the idea has finally hit our shores and even though I see scarves everywhere, I still feel like I can’t pull it off. Am I wrapping/wearing it wrong? I think I may have to devote a new blog post to this…in the meantime, I found this video to be quite informative.
-And again, still trying.

16. A beret – oh how I wish. See hats (above).
-I wore a beret a month after this post. Wtf, self! At least try and be consistent!
17. Penny loafers – ugh.
- No but I almost bought some (well brogues) which I think means I no longer think they are "ugh"
18. Patterned tights – I am still easing myself into coloured versions, so the patterns may never come. However I am a fan of fishnets so who knows…
- Oh, I totally attempted this and it didn't take very long either.
19. Vest – I was a little against them until I started work and starting to realize that they make a casual shirt look a bit more professional. But I haven’t taken the plunge. A lot of people can pull the look off but it might be too Tomboy for my style.
- And of course the vest I do have is totally casual and unproffesional. Epic fail!

20. Headbands – doesn’t suit my hair, I don’t think. Not sure it suits my style either, too preppy. Which brings me to…
-I try but yes, this still stands. Just looks funny on my small head. But then I remembered this photo:

21. Preppy – A white shirt under a rugby sweater? A kilt? A bowtie? Anything that screams “Gossip Girl” isn’t for me, though it doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate watching others tackle the trend.
- Not against it. I think I do prep in my own way but it's never full-on.

22. Shoulder bags/messenger bags – anything with a LONG strap I don’t like, though the latter works great when you are traveling.
-They still aren't my favourite bags but I'm starting to see the beauty in a well-constructed cross-strap bag.
And there you have it folks! Is there anything you've ended up trying over the last year or so that you never though you would?
PS - I have new pics for the Roberto Cavalli and Catherine Malandrino dresses in my store:

I figured I needed to actually show you how awesome these dresses really are. Now go buy them!!!
Lovely this reassessment, darling! You are lovely, as are your clothes... especially loving that romper!
I wonder what a fashion list would look like for me!? I'm totally against rompers (I don't have the legs, goodnes help me) but I love how they look on tall skinnies!
That's a sweet idea. I need to put pen to paper! That RC looks so fab on you. Still deciding what I must have. : )
love this list & if i had to make my own list, i think i'd agree on most of the stuff!
Interesting isn't it, how our style changes? I really like that blue/grey leopard print skirt and the picture of you in the beret. That beret picture contains an amazing necklace! (Well done for wearing it and surviving the mild irritation, totally worth it)
It would be mine
You know, it's a shame you don't think you could pull off the sneaker look. I think you could really make something out of some sneakers and a dress (of course a particular dress with a certain kind of sneaker) which would totally rock out. My lovely, awesome fashionista sister in law wears fabulous styley dresses with converse hi-tops and you'd be totally surprised by how hot and awesome she looks.
She lives in dresses, and hi-range expensive ones at that!
I say do some research ;)
I love this post because I constantly waiver! More often than not, I read some of my old posts on my blog and wonder, "what was I thinking?!?"
Glad you're adventurous, makes your blog especially fun, plus I think you can pull off most looks. I like the vest--that's layering! looks great.
This list is so fun--love how much has changed and yet how much is the same. :) I once wrote I would never wear blue nail polish...now I wear tons of blue polish!
He he, it is awesome when we go against our not to wear list and look fab in them, like you do! Loving your new pieces in your shop, I'll have to go take a look! :)
Great post! Just goes to show that the only standing rule with fashion is never say never, so I will never admit on any sort of official record that I'll never not wear anything, just in case!
Great post! I still think the romper looks awesome though. Did you end up keeping it?
As for forever 21, yep I did go to the one at Lynwood Mall. Quite the trek, but worth it. Ten dollar jeans and shirts under $5? Pretty much unheard of around here. It was a bit of a gongshow though in the store.. clothes everywhere, long waits to try on stuff, long waits to pay. Ugh. I'm definitely holding out for the Metrotown one, they really need to open that baby up. Although it'll be a little less novel though, eh? Every girl in a 10 mile radius of vancouver is gonna be forever 21'd out, head to toe. And yes I'll probably be one of them hahah.
Wow, how amazing to just take a moment and look back to see what has changed in your style. Definitely one of the reasons I stared blogging. Way to go, I really enjoyed reading this!
(and don't worry, you'll master scarves eventually)
Lovely photos!
Your style is so cute. Great post. I love seeing how my fashion changes through the years. I'm pretty consistent though. Love the barret!
Oh I was just at your shopping blog and saw those two dress and I want them soooo bad! Likes its my job or something. If they are still there on Sept 8 they will be mine! OH and I linked your shopping site darling!
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