So...I've been having a weird few days. I'm on a special diet at the advice of my nutritionist and while I am hopeful to see changes (not just weight loss but everything else that is wrong with me will get fixed), it is a big lifestyle upheavel in some ways and it may take time. I am very impatient. Apparently this will help that? Gah.
I've got some important projects on the go. I have lots of sweet new clothes and boots and outfits to show off too but alas I am too tired to take pics. I don't have time to really blog or read people's blogs and I am sorry for that. I know readership is down and commenting too, because I guess I am not really out there. But it's exhausting and stressful and I just can't seem to make the time. I'm starting to just really not care about blogging and am contemplating quitting - all the more reason to take a break.
Also, I'm going camping this weekend and I won't be blogging anyway.
But before I go, here are some pics - what I wore to my rockstar's concert:

Dress: Forever 21; Jacket: Express (swap); Necklace: Parephenelia; Shoes: Christian Louboutin; Purse: Miele Bianco
Also, I want to remind you that the Famous Footwear giveaway is still going on - not many people have entered (is the store not cool enough? I think it's pretty dope) so I want to encourage more entries by proposing this:
If you publicize this giveaway on your blog and link back to my blog, I will enter you 2x more into the draw. Oh yes, that's right - you just stepped up your chances baby.
Just let me know that you are doing so by commenting below or on the previous post. I'll be back here next monday to announce the lucky winner!
Rice and Beans Vintage was so charmed by all of your wishlists on the Rice and Beans giveaway last week that they have decided to offer ALL ANYWHERE BUT HERE READERS 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES!!
Yep, just enter code: BANDWAGON at checkout - this offer is valid till August 31st, 2009.
You look fantastic in that red dress! Fab post!
Oh no! Please don't quit! You have such a lovely blog! I can understand what you mean about blogging though. Sometimes I feel like that too.
You look so gorgeous! I always love the close-up shots because you have such a pretty face! Have a great time camping and I will wait for your next post! xxoxoxo
that red dress is lovely!
I hope you enjoy your break and come back rejuvenated.
I second Shin! Definitely don't quit blogging. We know exactly how you feel- I really do think all bloggers get to that point a few times- it's like a second full-time job. But people love to hear your unique view and see your unique sense of style.
Is that the mad hatter I spy on your necklace?! So awesome! You and your bf look tres cute!
ps- Hope you had an awesome time camping!
Sometimes blogging breaks are necessary :-( god knows I've had my share of those over the years. But I do love reading your blog and I hope that if you do take a break, it's a short one!
That photo of us from Mike's show is cute, I may have to snag it from you. I like the one of Mike on stage waving as well, LOL.
Are you really thinking about taking a break? A little sabbatacle in which to come up with more clothing and more ideas for the fashion-challenged?
It's OK if you leave, as long as you come back.
- Robyn
Fun, colorful dress. Reminds me of my French Connection one, up for grabs in the SHOP. You look amazing in all colors but this bright pink one, especially so!! :)
Please don't go. I live in NZ and every morning when I get to work I check for an update every day!! You've given me SUCH inspiration in so many ways with my clothes and I would hate it if you stopped. Please please please!!!!
That is a fantastic dress! Not to mention it looks great on you, you are beautiful!
Aww don't quit! At the very most, take a short breather and then come back recharged :) We would all miss reading your entries too much if you left!
Oh fun - great red outfit!! Hope it went well, looks like it. :-)
Please don't quite. Your blog is by far my favorite read out of all the blogs I follow. :)
Alawys so pretty. just want to say I enjoy your blog. You say what you think and that's fresh.
sometimes you'll find that if you follow your heart and take a "blogging break", you will come back refreshed and have more readers than before.
take time for yourself....and know that people who love your blog will stick around until you're ready to post again.
cara mia
Beautiful red dress! You rock it!
If you're really thinking of going away why don't you just blog once or twice a week? I can see where doing it every day would get tiring...... maybe change it to "Anywhere but here Wednesdays".
LOL @ Wondering Woman! That was awesome..."Anywhere But Here Wednesdays." I wish I had come up with that shit. Anyways, I'm a horrid lurker of your blog, and seriously, I'd be a very sad BC'ian if you left. You answered one of my questions posted in a comment on BudgetBabe's blog many moons ago, and you were very generous and sweet. When you get back from camping, head to the Alibi Room and grab something delicious on tap :) Beer's on your diet, right??
Love your outfit. You are so pretty! Take a break, but I definitely love your fashion posts so hopefully there will be more to come :)
I agree with the previous commenters - please don't leave for good! Enjoy your camping trip (nature does wonderful things for the soul). Take care, Darling!
What a gorgeous red dress, lady. Perfect!
And shoe comp you say? I need in. Tomorrow...I'm off to bed now.
Have a lovely one and enjoy :)
just so's you know, i always read. i've been a bit vacant in the blogging world as well, but i really really really love reading your stuff. glad i can at least still be your friend on facebook :) hope you're feeling chirpy and chipper in no time!
I love your blog...first one I read every morning for fashion inspiration or a good laugh....
I hope you come back from your sabbatical refreshed, not sure what I would do without you...
I hope your little break helps out! Your blog is easily in my top 3, easily! I would be very sad to see you.
You are gorgeous, and real and accesible; ditto for all your clothes, shoes, etc. Which is why I love to read!
girl you look so hot in red dress!!!
Enjoy your break! Ugh, it's amazing how exhausting blogging can be, if you care at all about readership. That's sort of why I've slowed down my posting lately.
Love that shade of red. I also love your necklace in the last photo. Fabulous!
Hey I recognize one of those ladies, Bobbie!
I'm just here looking over you blog for a client of mine, Bobbie was kind enough to recommend it to me.
aww you look cute. you remind me a lot of jessica simpson.
Sometimes a little break refreshes us enough to want to get back to what we needed a break from... hopefully it works for you and your blogging, for I would be so, so sad not to see you in my daily blog roll. And I love your travel blog, too... I'm not in the market for any vacays soon, but I'm storing away your reviews for the future! :)
And you look FIERCE in that red dress!! What a great color on you.
Have a safe trip and you look gorgeous in red!
That would totally suck if you quit... just take your time and re-boot :)
The concert look awesome and you look stunning!
Have fun camping.
hope the special diet helps you feel better! Love the red dress too! Feel better soon
red-- good color for you!
Just don't quit blogging! Love it here!
BTW, I am having a giveaway on my blog, come check it out!
While I am sad to not see your posts any more (they make me feel up-to-ate on fashion, something I am severely lacking in my life) I completely understand. We will all be here if (when?) you decide to come back. :)
I still love you in red! :)
I love that dress of yours! And you look fab in it!
I hope you had an excellent camping trip! I totally understand about the blogging thing... sometimes it feels like a chore. I can only imagine what it must be like for you, because you've been doing it for so long!
Plus, posting a new and unique outfit everyday (which btw I thoroughly enjoy), must be a pain.
I was reading some of your old posts from a few years ago, before all the outfits and pics, when it was about your day or your work and I really like those ones! They were hilarious and very interesting... even without the pictures :)
You should do some of those again since it's been so long. Might mix things up a bit ;)
You look great and you do not need s diet for weight but feeling better is a great reason!
Camping!! Will arm myself with bugspray and await your next dispatch!
you look fabulous. I hope you feel better soon. I'm kinda feelin' the same way.
The first photo is really lovely!
How fun and cool about your bf's band!
Love the red dress!
Just saw the part about you thinking about quitting, don't you dare do it! Maybe just space out your posts a bit, I know that helps me when I don't feel like blogging.
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