With Bernard Hermann's enigmatic score to accompany this post (please press play)....
Vertigo is one of my favourite films, if not THE one. I'm a huge classic film buff and a huge Hitchcock buff and I've probably seen Vertigo well over ten times. I even went to San Francisco to see many of the movie's locations.
To me, the film warrants multiple viewings - I probably watch it once a year, at least. It's haunting, beautiful, disturbing, mesmerizing. It has Kim Novak playing two roles with aplomb (her portrayal of Judy is absolutely heartbreaking because of its honesty - trust me girls, you might relate) and Jimmy Stewart in his best performance - no more "Mr. Everyman" in this film. It is also Hitchcock's most personal film and for that reason I think it makes it even more profound.
I have books about this film and to get into all of the film's gems and meanings would take a very, very long time. True, some people may find it boring because it isn't in your face like the films of today - but I just find it to be an endlessly fascinating mystery with more layers than an onion. Everytime I watch it, I notice something new.
But to keep this brief, I've always been interested in the fashion aspect of the film too. The famous grey suit worn by Novak in the film surfaces twice in the film - and to think Novak didn't want to wear it because she though it was unflattering on blondes. I actually think grey is more flattering on blondes than on any other haircolour and ever since this film I have been searching for the perfect grey suit.
I also went searching for the perfect white coat, and I found it. It's main purpose was for this photo shoot as it is now on hold for someone in my shop (the vintage coat was actually owned by Benny Goodman's singer for his big band back in the 40's) and I am glad I finally got to recreate scenes from my favourite film for you.
Enjoy the nuanced magic that is Vertigo:

I need you to be Madeleine for a while. And when it's done, we'll both be free.

If I let you change me, will that do it? If I do what you tell me, will you love me?

She'll be talking to me about something. Suddenly the words fade into silence. A cloud comes into her eyes and they go blank. She's somewhere else, away from me, someone I don't know. I call her, she doesn't even hear me. Then, with a long sigh, she's back. Looks at me brightly, doesn't even know she's been away, can't tell me where or when.

Couldn't you like me, just me the way I am?

There is something I must do, there is something I must do.

We stood there and I kissed her for the last time, and she said, 'If you lose me you'll know that I loved you and wanted to keep on loving you.' And I said, 'I won't lose you.' But I did. And then she turned and ran into the church. I tried to follow, but it was too late.

Scottie, do you believe that someone out of the past - someone dead - can enter and take possession of a living being?

Only one is a wanderer; two together are always going somewhere.

Here I was born, and there I died. It was only a moment for you; you took no notice.

Oh Scottie. I'm not mad. I'm not mad. I don't want to die. There's someone within me and she says I must die. Oh Scottie, don't let me go.
Very cute. I love the photos of you falling off the stair case. You have great facial expression. Maybe you should consider acting. :) And its amazing how similiar you look to her!
Omg, that was awesome! lol, it looked like a lot of fun.
OMG..what an amazing post! Now THIS is blogger dedication =)
loved it!
if you press the music it gives such a great twist to the post.
great job!!!!
Oh wow that is amazing! Not just the clothes, but the poses....!
The resemblance is just stunning, darling! You look so glamorous!
Love that white coat!
P.S. Thanks for a fun contest :)
You look just like her!!
Oh wow... I'm embarrased to admit, I've never seen the film, but these photos have made my day! And you really do look like her - so amazing!
Haha! So perfection! One of my fave post!
What fantastic and haunting recreations! Wonderful, and well timed (eerie actually) as I just saw Vertigo for the first time last week! You do look a lot like Madelene...
The film is very strange, not your average story, and his creation of the "vertigo effect" inspired other filmmakers. I like it, but it left me unsettled. Didn't you find the very ending unnecessary and a bit out-of-the-blue?
Peter - depends what ending you saw. There was two...the one most widely seen leaves many things unsettled. Which is why I like it.
The other ending tends to "wrap things up" more but it was put upon by censors because they didn't want Elster to "get away with it." Hitchcock hated that ending.
Either way, the ending is a shocker but wonderfully ironic. I've seen it so many times though, I can't imagine it any other way!
That white coat is DIVINE; please...where did you get it?
The white coat is vintage, I got it on Ebay. In fact everything I am wearing in these posts are vintage!!
I love that coat too, super sad I am selling it :(
fabulous photos
this is genius. your knowledge and passion for the film really comes through in your photos. and that white coat is striking. it's eerie how similar you two look!
i created a video art homage to vertigo in college where i basically filmed myself climbing a creepy staircase and then looped it so it looked like a never-ending staircase.the only sounds were the creaking stairs and footsteps...
Wow! You look just like her in these pics! beautiful!
oly crap! you went all out, great post! I haven't seen the movie so I'm glad you included the comparisons. :-)
excellent photo shoots! Well done!
amazing post!
you look like her!
great copy cat of her!
that coat! that coat! so gorgeous. If I'd had it I don't think I'd ever be able to sell it. I haven't seen vertigo yet(shameful I know)
you and kim novak actually look alike.
wow stunning in that white coat! I definitely see a resemblance. Actresses were so classy back then lol.
Wow!! You did such an amazing job with the pictures! I love old movies but I've never seen that one so I'll definitely check it out! xxoxoxoxo
Amazing! How creative of you.. I wish I wasnt so lazy.. You look gorgeous I sometimes couldnt tell who the girl in the photo was.
OOh.... awesome pictures :)you look amazing...I love both of the outfits, especially the last one it is so chic :)
Lovely pics - you look beautiful!
SO awesome, seriously.
(I'm a creep, but you were in my dream last night?! haha)
What a cute post, love how you have re-interpreted the film honey, you totally got it right with the wardrobe. I love that white coat!
Omg, what an amazing post. So creative! You look exactly like her!
This post was so much fun...more more!
Finally got a chance to see the post :D Beautifully done! I prefer the original ending better also. It's like art, open to all interpretation.
Seriously darling this has to be one of my most favorite posts of yours, besides the one where you jumped in a pool! You look almost identical to her and your expressions are so prefect! I love, love your white coat, so sad that you are selling it but it is so classic looking! Good work on this post, I am very impressed! XO
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