To me, there is something very sad about the end of summer. I know many people are excited to put an end to the heat or get started on their fall shopping sprees but I just want to wrap my browned arms around summer and hold on to it while I can.
This is impossible, of course - why must I live in a land where Summer is so short and winter is so long? Even though our summer has been drier and hotter than usual, I still feel like I didn't enjoy enough of it.
I tried though, how I tried. I drank iced coffees at every opportunity. I suntanned during the day. I ate lunch outside. I got up early to watch the sunrise. I wore maxi dresses and drank white wine after work, soaking up the late rays on the patio. I went sailing, I went camping, I went to the cabin, I traveled. I went swimming, went biking, went to the beach. I had bonfires and picnics and wasn't enough! The summer just flew by and I'm still trying to soak it all in.
Now there is a definite change in the air...a coolness, which is nice, but it only reminds me that the warmth will soon be gone.
I'll admit there is a lot of "back to school" excitement, despite the fact that I am not in school, but you know, lot's of new stuff to buy and wear. I am getting a little lazy in my outfits too, which means it will be good to mix things up. I've also got THE MOST AMAZING black leather motorbike jacket ever. I mean this is just the coolest thing, I put it on and suddenly I'm Marlon Brando. It's THAT cool. Plus, I'll combine them with jeans and my See by Chloe boots and it will be THE ouftit of my fall (I'm gonna assume I'll post about it next week!).
But for the most part, I don't want summer to end. On Monday I vowed to squeeze the last breath out if it, until Labour day. That means gladiator sandals, flimsy dresses, light makeup, flowy hair, iced coffee and salads...I am immersing myself while I can. Because before we know it, it will be cold, dark and miserable and we will only have our memories of the summer that was.
At least until next Summer.
My friend Josh is moving back to New Zealand after two glorious years here. We decided to recreate the first "date" we had after he arrived - if I recall correctly it was June 2007, he had arrived in Canada the day before and I whisked him off to a bowling alley to bowl with a "new friend" of mine. Well, we all hit it off, especially me and the new friend of mine, and the rest is history. Here are some pics from back then...

My strike dance
And now, the recreation, 2 years later, complete with a snazzier bowling outfit :P

My strike dance

I'm "Thrillho" (if you're a Simpsons fan...)

Seersucker blazer: Theory; Polka-dot shirt: Forever 21; Skirt: Odille; Espadrilles: Michael Kors

My special friend

Pin Pals
I bought my husband the same t-shirt that your special friend is wearing in the recreation date. I love Threadless tees!
Threadless tees rock out with your cock out!
As an aside, I just noticed that over the years Josh and Rockstar's haircuts switched lol.
Ha ha ~ Pin Pals, very cute!
Love your bowling outfit, darling! Bet you were the glammest gal at the lanes that night!
totally feel you about the sadness with summer leaving ... in the winter, i just cannot bring myself to get as creative with my outfits! i go towards comfort instead haha :p
what a cute story/pictures!
I Love the hair switch LOL!!!
You just need to work on a bowling shirt with a 'Thrillho' lapel, haha. Love the outfit and recreation date.
Yay for bowling, I have not done that in forever, I have been wishing for Autumn and it has been so hot here! Well, I guess from your perspective I should cherish the summer a bit more, more time to get a tan right?
summer never even started over here! rubbish xxxx
So fun, aww I am sad I only met Josh once - he wa so cool and funny. :-( This weekend is supposed to be so nice so summer is not over yet!! My girlfriend from Calg is coming out so we will be at the beaches tons, text me if you may want to meet up. :-)
Love the blazer.
And may I add that ur "not-as-special" friend Josh is quite cute :D
Oh I totally know what you mean about summer- even though our summer's last through October we get cold easier because we are so used to the heat- haha ;)
Love the polka-dot top and the skirt- that's how I shall dress when I go bowling next ;)
ps- did I just see a glimpse of a Hitchcock post? I was trying to comment on it and it disappeared--- the photos are absolutely gorgeous!
ahahaha I was hoping NO ONE SAW THAT! lol. I was just making sure the mp3 was working :P it'll be up tomorrow!
U look so adorable!
I feel the exact same way about summer... I've felt the chill of fall in the air as well.
But I love your seersucker blazer and espadrilles!
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