
Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog Giveaway - Tights Please!


Want a chance to win THREE pairs of Red or Dead tights of your choice from Tights Please (valued at 35 Pounds)?

Simply leave a comment below telling me either A) Your most embarrassing moment with tights (ei, tucking your skirt into them ALA ME or getting a run in the wrong place) or B) what kind of tights you'd like to win.

To get an idea of what tights you could win, peruse the Tights Please website They have all kinds of tights and what's really hot right now are stockings... stockings in pastels are just perfect for spring (like the ones I'm wearing in the photo above), but of course you can't go wrong with black stockings either!

Tights please will ship to my readers in the UK, Canada and the USA. Contest will only run until Friday, so get in this tights contest while you can!

I'm in San Francisco at the moment do a combination of music and book type things, but I'll be blogging shortly. Lot's of good updates to share, especially in wake of DARKHOUSE PUBLISHING WEEK! Woo hoo! Still can't believe my novel has been published... unreal. If you missed out on that, please visit the novel's website here or check out the blog post below :)


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    tights? YES I need a pair of something teal blue or weird peach by May 29th?

    my most embarrassing moment with tights is literally having them fall down because they were the wrong size. "they will stretch" was what mom said. yeah. thanks. :)

    ps congrats on your book!

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    most embarrassing said the tights would stretch but instead the crotch was at my knees. i was 12. on stage. awesome.

    need some pink stockings for a spring shower...if not stockings for the wedding in June! :D i betcha it'll still be cold by then.

  3. Embarrassing moment? Realizing AFTER I left home that the leggings I was wearing were not as opaque as I thought they were. Hello, red thong! Nobody said anything, though, which was even more embarrassing. UGH.


  4. Well, they have a million to choose from! I'm a little lost on all these options, but I like the Wolford Merino Rib Leggings.

    I stopped myself from spending hours on the site. Holy moley, what a selection! I should probably browse that "shapewear" section too!

  5. Super Power Panties!

  6. OOOOOhhhh yes please!

    So embarrassing tights story:

    I was working as a legal secretary and had my first day in the big office. I wasn't very clued up with what to wear, etc. so had to patch together the most proper/non-scrubby/professional outfit i could find. this included a pair of tights i found at the bottom of my underwear drawer. Well about half an hour into the day, running around trying to act all profesh-like, i realise my tights have ripped from my crotch and the ladder was making it's way slowly down to my hemline. The only thing I could think to do (without anyone noticing) was staple the tights to my underwear and salvaging the rest with coloured nailpolish i had in my bag. i hated that day. i hated that job. i didn't go back.

  7. Well you know I love tights. How can I pass this contest up??? I don't know about a most embarrassing moment with tights but runs in tights are my constant nemesis... Why can't I make it stop? It's so embarrassing when I'm walking around all cool-like only to find... What's this? A horrible run in my tights? Oh the humanity!!!

  8. I used to hate tights - until their recent comeback into the fashion world. I can never find a pair of tights that won't get runs, which is why I can never have too many pairs of black or nude colored tights as backup. However, I'm staring to explore the tights world, and I really like ones with patterns of argyle or flowers. They help make a monochromatic outfit stand out!

  9. I'm loving the pair of tights with the bows going up the back. So cute!

    And most embarrassing moment is definately being a flag bearer at a parade and having the elastic of my tights snap and fall down during it.

  10. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I live in tights. I wish I could wear them to work instead of scrubs...

    When the tights/leggings trend started I kind of got them all mixed up and wore tights that seemed to be leggings and wore a shirt that hit me right at the crotch line. As I was bringing my nieces HOME from the movies, my brother in law pointed out that you could see through them if I did anthing but stand straight up. And I wasn't wearing underwear. And you could tell. Classy (as always).

    PS, I love your blog. I'm so jealous of your travels! I live vicariously through you.

  11. just in case posting answers to both questions gives me more chance of winning... :)

    i would chose some burlesque backseam tights because i've always wanted some of those, and i'd have a sexy night out to commemorate the occasion!

  12. Congrats on the book! I've checked it out, very proud of you!

    My most embarrassing tights moment..? you said it, getting a run in the wrong place, a very unlikely special place. I was getting ready for a party with my friend and realized there was a little hole right where my button is (if ya know what I'm referring to). It was so weird and hilarious. How a hole developed there is beyond me, lol... but we laughed and laughed with our speculations about how it busted out. Really though, I guess the seam just happened to unravel right in that spot.

  13. Once upon a time, I absolutely embarrassed myself with tights by ripping a hole in them before I had even pulled them all the way on! So awkward.... To make matters worse, I wanted to show my guy friend how horrid I am with tights, and I pulled up my skirt to show him, not realizing the hole was higher than I thought on my outer thigh....made for awkward eye-averting!
    As for tights, I adore the lacey ones in orchid! I've never tried that color of tights before and I've always wanted to :)

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