
Saturday, January 16, 2010

I heart Palm Springs


So, I'm in Palm Springs right now. My parents were here and since I was laid off from my job on January 4th, I thought HELL, why not?

Yes, I did get back from New Zealand less than a month ago (and I promise more photos are coming...there are just so many!) but you know me, can't stay in one place for long.

Also the weather in Vancouver has been absolutely miserable with constant rain and I needed to head to desert climes.

This is the 10th time I've been to Palm Springs which makes it like a second home to me. Something about the dusty, craggy mountains, the retro-tinged towns, the movie star-named streets, the palm trees and dry desert air always make me feel at home. Maybe it's because I live in one of the greenest (and wettest) parts of the world but the desolte beauty of the desert has always had a special place in my heart.


Anyway, I came down here also with the purpose of writing. My next book is set in the deserts of New Mexico so I figured Palm Springs would be a lot more inspiring setting than sitting at home.

And I am totally sitting at home - with a sore toe, no car, no transport close by and no job to go to, I am literally trapped at my boyfriend's parents house 24/7 (where I live). It is NOT a fun scenario.

But I'm here now, so all is well. Just been tanning when I can (overcast today), reading a bunch of books and stocking up on makeup at ULTA. Today we are going to the Palm Springs market which should be a good photo op, and maybe I'll pick up some cool jewelry or something.


Did you know I haven't bought clothes in TWO MONTHS!? Seriously. I don't even have the urge...I don't online shop anymore, I don't go into stores. I've just stopped. As a result I haven't looked at any fashion websites or read any fashion mags either so I have no clue what's going on in the fashion world. Anyone care to let me know?


I have been buying electronics though...I'm getting my iPhone when I get back to Vancouver which is very exciting, I bought an iPod speaker dock for my iTouch AND yesterday I got a brand new laptop!

My old computer has been crap for a long time now. The screen cracked a YEAR ago when a friend sat on it (shouldn't have put it under a pillow!) and I've been trying to WRITE damn it with a blurry crack down the middle. Not to mention the battery lasts FIVE MINUTES at the most and the C Drive was always so full that I couldn't even run Word half of the time. I don't even know why it was so full, everyday I removed more and more stuff until it was bare bones.

Anyway, the straw that broke the camel's back was the other day when - while in the middle of writing Chapter Three in my new book - a weird website popped up and wouldn't close.

I had a scary, fishy feeling about it so I immediately saved my work and emailed the document to myself so I would have a backup in case something went wrong.

And went wrong it did. Microsoft Security alerted me that my computer was under attack. I must have clicked on the pop-up and suddenly I was bombarded with millions of security alerts. They all said I was infected and that I needed to download the "Antivirus Live" program to get rid of it.

Meanwhile, it took over my computer and all my files. It wouldn't even let me open Task Manager and if you tried to go to the internet, the only page it would let you go to was to Antivirus Live.

Of course, the whole thing is a virus and a scam. It basically disguises itself as your windows security thing and then hi-jacks your computer and holds it hostage. The ransom is that you can only get rid of the virus IF you go to the website and give them money.

The they would take your credit card info and that's that. You are screwed.

Luckily I knew what was going on but for awhile there it looked like my computer was hopelessly screwed. You couldn't even run any other anti-virus software, they wouldn't let you.

Thus why in the end I just got a new laptop...a sleek, sexy Gateway with 200% more power and space than my old laptop.

And in the end, thanks to some helpful internet tips, I ended up booting up my other comp in Safe mode and tinkering around and changing my LAN settings, so now the virus is completely gone. I'm happy I was able to save it but even happier that I have a better computer. I mean, I'm a writer...I need a good computer! And my old comp will be going to my BF who doesn't have one himself. Everyone wins!


I've decided that if the rumoured Coachella Festival line-up that is apparently going to be announced on Tuesday (see link here ) turns out NOT to be true (please God, make it true!), that I am going to put on my OWN festival.

A naked Indian and Jim Morrison visited me in my dream and told me that if I booked them, they would come.


Hope you've all donated something, even just a dollar, to this cause. It's amazing to see that even the smallest bit really does add up and will make a difference! Such a sad and terrifying thing...I even felt a wee earthquake at 4AM last night, scared the crap out of me, so I can only imagine :(

Hope you're all having a great weekend! Here are some "fashiony" pics of what I wore yesterday:

My mom and I at the golf club, Escena, that my dad just joined...super nice. Like the Marc Jacobs sunglasses I gave her?

Dress: Karta
Cardigan: H&M
Sandals: Overlander
Purse: Miele Bianco
Necklace: Gorjana
Belt: Vintage


  1. Lucky you to have escaped the incessant Vancouver rain!! It looks gorgeous down there. hehe you and your mom have a definite resemblance, even in sunglasses!

  2. It looks like a lovely writing spot. I went to Palm Desert a few years ago and it was so nice. I really enjoyed it. I should go again since it is not too far from Vegas. Love that dress too!

  3. Oh yes, there's something magical in the desert! And I'm glad you got to escape the rain... it's been unusually warm here for Jan, but I LOVE it. Hate the cold :P

  4. I love your dress! It's gorgeous!!

  5. I love your dress and that belt with it!

    I'm also getting a new computer, I think I'm ordering it tonight! My battery life is also crap, and it takes about 30 minutes to start up and get online, NOT good for a blogger/student/internetaholic. Glad you have a new one, and that you fixed your old one for your bf! Now write write write! :) (Love the progress bars on the sidebar, too, btw)

  6. I adore this outfit on you!!
