First, I paired those lovely blue shoe/boot type dealys with a simple black dress to wear to my bf's show. The right amount of pop against black (I thought)and since I had worn them during my Rolling Stones shoot - all jumping around and stuff - I thought they would be comfy.
Best Roadie Ever!
Whole Lotta Love
Oh yeah, It's totally my amp
Expressing the pain
Well, two steps out the door and a heel lift comes off. Luckily I can just pop it back in but I have the worst experiences ever with heel lifts coming off - I don't know if it's the way I walk or not but either way they give me hell. Doesn't even matter if it's a high-priced shoe (ahem, my curse Louboutins) or something from Payless.
Then walking from the car park to the bar, I realize that the heels somehow feel higher than I thought and the foot insoles I stuffed at the toe pad not only didn't really help, but just squished my toes together and then up against the top of the shoe. It helped that it was suede but it still didn't prevent the skin on top of all of my toes from being scraped off. OUCH.
It was a really painful night (shoe wise) which ended with BOTH heel lifts popping off somewhere on the dance floor and being lost forever. So I had to walk back after the shoe sans heel lifts which luckily meant the heel wasn't as high but also meant my shoes are more easily ruined now. Arg.
I should have planned this properly because the very next day I had a wedding, which meant I would once again be on my feet. I knew the shoes I wanted to wear but then thought I would be smart (for once) and bring flat sandals. My bf's band was ALSO playing the wedding which meant we had to go early to set-up for the reception and thus I wanted some comfy sandals to schlep around town in.
Can't. Get. Bubbles.
Ah that's better
Do I have to pee? Can I not stand like a lady?
Wedding Crashers
Dancing shoes...
Well those sandals came in handy, because as soon as the ceremony was over, I took off my Helmut Lang babies and put on the crappy GoJanes for immediate relief. Obviously my feet were still killing me from the night before.
Open bar + crazy friends + hi-jinks = me leaving the wedding and forgetting my shoes behind. I know exactly where they would be too, all propped up behind the table I was at, next to a heater (really hope no one turns it on otherwise I'd have a puddle of Lang goo). So Sunday in my hangover, I phoned the bride and left a message - though she's probably in Hawaii already. And yesterday I phoned the hall where the wedding was held. They haven't seen them (or so the woman says, as she's slipping those bad boys on). My only hope is that someone from the wedding found them and is holding on to them until the Bride and Groom return from their trip - FINGERS CROSSED!
I really hope I get my shoes back, I can't believe I forgot them. Well, I can (it is ME after all and I have terrible luck like this, click here for a ridiculous example) but still...I loved those shoes, they were so unique and I put a lot of extra money into them at the cobbler. Hopefully someone will get back to me soon, if the Shoes Gods allow it.
Otherwise, if anyones sees these size 36 sexy beasts dancing around Main st in Vancouver, please assault the thief and take the shoes from them. There shall be a reward :)
Luckily today my Jeffrey Campbell shoes came in, which I hope to wear to yet another wedding (fellow Blogger Odettes!) on Friday. It's debatable though whether I will be taking them off this time - though they ended up being a lot higher than they look in this photo. That heel is a good half inch higher than the website stated. Meh. They look rad and all the more reason not to lose this pair.
I mean seriously...who loses a pair of shoes???
Anyway, if you wanna laugh - please read this story from my travel blog. I promise it will make you feel like a million bucks (that you aren't me!).
love love love the blue heels!
and i have lost a pair of shoes! it was halloween, there was alcohol involved..and thats all i remember! haha
p.s your store is amazing!
There was definitely alcohol involved in my case lol.
You poor thing! I hope they turn up - it's awful to mourn not one, but two shoe losses in one weekend! Boo hiss hiss.
I LOVE your new white studded ones!
Ok that post title made me LOL! You are too funny...
And I lurve that patterned dress you are wearing in the second set of pics!
Oh no. I feel your pain on both...I once took my shoes off and walked barefoot on the streets of downtown Toronto...I know, but it was that or slowly bleed from shoe death. I also lost a pair of my favourite platforms after a New Year's Eve hotel stay. And a pair of my fave sandals in a hotel in Montreal after failing to *scan* the room for any forgottens. I called the hotel both times, obviously someone or someone's daughter is happily prancing around in them. I never lose the ones I don't care about.
I do hope yours turn up though, especially since you know the people at the wedding. Crossing my fingers for you :)
Ohhhhhhhhhh no. It's like when Carrie got her Manolos stolen by some bitoch at that party. You know...Carrie Bradshaw. My close personal friend. Ah ha ha. I hope you get them back! And those JCs are hot hot hot! So, I've tried to resist but I kept going back to your shop all weekend. I think I'm going to have to take advantage of that discount. Sorry hubs.
Don't feel bad about losing your shoes! I've not only left some behind post events, but I've had the most amazing sandals stolen from the car. Even worse, I ACCIDENTALLY gave a pair away to Goodwill thinking I didn't need them again! Shame on me......
Hello Gorgeous lady!! You look so beautiful and sexy in that black dress! Those nude studded Jefferey Campbell shoes are the bomb! xxoxoxo
hoping your shoes find their way back.
have a glorious week.
This is awful, I hope they get returned!!
Sorry you left them! Sad story! 2 things: 1) GREAT thigh muscle definition woman! HOTT!! 2) You go to a cobbler?! I like to EAT cobblers. Peach, blueberry....
I love all of your shoes!!!!
That sucks! You just had the worst luck with shoes this weekend! I am sure they will turn up soon :)
I change my mind way too quickly. I got bored of the old one. I'm such a changer!
I'm still here. Extremely busy at the moment though. I need to manage my time better. Find time, MAKE time to blog.
I especially need to make the time to READ your posts. They're always so long! For now, I just skim! (:
you look so so pretty! and love your shoes and whole outfit. looks like you had a lot of fun!!! x
Nice Jeffrey Campbells! Love the studs. That's too bad about your other shoes :(
All of your shoes are SO FABULOUS! And that patterned dress you wore to the wedding...going in your shop anytime soon? ;) Love it!
Hope your babies make it back!
Love the new shoes!
I've never broken a heel but obviously that is a huge bummer!
Those blue heels are amazing...well, all of your shoe-es are always stunning. :) Ooh no, I feel the pain for the loss...I've never lost a pair, but boy would I cry for day :)
P.S. Your New Zealand stories were hilarious, but I am sooo sorry that it happened :(
Looking amazing hun :)
I love both the blue and yellow shoes! I wish I had such colorful shoes. Sorry about the bad luck, though.
Both of your outfits are awesome! Hope your feet and shoes reunite for another fun night. ;)
I love the royal blue heels!
Oh no, that truly is a sad story! I am obsessed with my shoes (and particularly with certain pairs) so if I lost them, I would be inconsolable. Hope the shoe gods are awake and listening and you manage to find your pretty pretty shoes. I love both....shame about the blue suede ones being wrecked...I fell in lust with them :)
Oh, and I know what you mean about diamond rings....I've actually never lusted after one. I don't even know how much they cost (as you can tell from my blonde $300 comment). Haha, I do think oversized diamond rings are T-A-C-K-Y. How the hell would you ever get into your pockets? I'd wreck mine within minutes, I kid you not. But I know what you mean, I've got friends who do that whole "mine is better than yours" shit. Bleechhh. Feel your rant!
Hope all is well (other than the great shoe fiasco). I actually scored two pairs of leather shoes today for Aus $40. Wooo. Sorry. Hope you get your lost shoes :(
"This weekend I was plagued with a shoe curse. The type some gypsy queen would put on you, simply because you didn't buy a squirrel or something like that."
and you two look like such a fun couple...<3
P.s. Not laughing at the curse but rather your play on words :P
you know, just to claify ;)
great style and an amazing blog
id love to be added to your daily blogs you check...let me know if you want to link exchange
P.S. The contest post is up! Thanks again for an awesome giveaway, darling!
i love the heelss! all of themm.. woww.. wowww..
Awesome shoe collection. And those pale pink sandals and studs - I want them
It would be mine
I love your Helmut Lang's. They are oh-so pretty :)
Hey, maybe your shoes were kidnapped like that episode from Sex and the City. I hope they turn up soon and that is too bad that you broke off the heel, that is not fun! I like your dancing shoes, they are super cute but super comfy it looks like, how nice!
Thanks for your wishes everyone!
Just to clarify, it was the heel lift that was broken off but not the actual heels themselves. So they aren't actually ruined, I'm just peeved it happened the first time i wore them.
Oh man, you have been having a fun time despite foot pain! The blue shoes are sooo'll have to wear them when sitting a lot. :)
hope you get your shoes back!!
I LOVE the blue pair!
LOVE your outfit and shoes. You are so gorgeous! Has anyone told you that you look kinda like Jessica Simpson? I am a newer follower and LOVE your blog!
Gourmama - you're saying I look like a MAN? lol
Yeah, actually I get that a lot. I used to find it flattering - back in 2004 when I actually WON a Jessica Simpson look-alike contest and got to meet her - but, not so much :) but I still take it as a compliment (I hope) so thanks!
Aww sorry for the bad shoe karma you've been experiencing lately!
I love those cobalt heels! J'adore J'adore! They look amazing paired with that clutch and black dress!
love both those outfits
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