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Monday, July 27, 2009

Vintage Dress Week Lookbook #5 - Sienna Miller Swinging 60's Style

This dress isn't normally my style - but when I saw it on Ebay I got a rush of inspiration. Suddenly I saw myself as Sienna Miller, pairing the dress with some kicky 60's flats, bouffant hair and freckles.

Upon trying the dress on though, I realized the slits up the side were rather high, so I'd only be wearing the dress with another skirt underneath or with leggings. Also, there is no stretch to the fabric and no buttons or zippers so when you put it on, be prepared for it to stay on until you have someone help you out of it!

Dress: Vintage; Leggings: Aldo; Sunglasses: Marc Jacobs; Puzzle nappa flats: Kate Spade; Jewelry: Forever 21

Hope you all had a great weekend - it has just been roasting here. It's never normally humid in Vancouver but it sure is now. We even had the most epic lightening storm Sat night, the sky turned a fiery red colour and people saw more than just fireworks at the annual celebration of light. 12,000 lightening strikes were reported in the province and two people were even hit. I love extreme weather - almost thought about going into meteorology.

This week we are pushing the heat barrier - Its going to feel like 40C/90F for the rest of the week. To those ignorant people who think Canada is a cold place, think again! OK yes the East is cold in the winter but it's safe to say the whole country gets mega hot in the Summer. Vancouver (the West Coast) is usually pleasant, maybe highs of 25C but 40C is ridiculous! I love it though - heat waves really signal summer to me and so far it hasn't disappointed!

credit: katkam.ca

There was no "altering" to these photos...the sky really was that orange!

I also felt very old this weekend; A familiar-looking guy approached me in town and said "You're Karina, right? I used to party at your house, back in the 90's"

LOL. It's true - I had awesome parties, "back in the 90's." What a crazy decade :P


Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous, darling! Do you look fabulous in every color or what??


Anonymous said...

love the sequins on that dress!
and your expression in that last picture with that vintage dress haha!

Anonymous said...

Lovely dress - it's quite stunning on you! And your hair looks great as well. Also love that white maxi on you!

Anonymous said...

crazy.. we had a strange lightening storm saturday too!

Ela said...

Very Sienna! So lovely on you!
LOL, back in the 90s...must've been some parties for him to remember after all this time!

Sierra said...

Gosh, yellow now?! ;) So pretty and sparkling...I like your white maxi dress too! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. You can reinvent our century, don't worry you are still rockin! ;)

This chick's got style said...

Beautiful dress and earrings!!
The color looks so good!

*Diane* said...

lovely dress! that yellow looks really great on you :-D

Anonymous said...

I am originally from Russia and people think that it is always covered in snow and bears roam the streets of Moscow. In the summer we also get 90F/32C or even higher... I hate ignorant people.

oh and the dress is gorgeous but the KS flats totally steal the show!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful dress! It looks like a middle east inspiration like India.

Fran said...

I love that dress!!! Looks lovely on you! By the way, I'm loving the blog, keep up the good work

GS said...

That storm was insane, eh? I haven't seen that much lightning in a long time. Love it! Also loving this weather! Minus the profuse sweating lol. I'm heading down to watch the fireworks this Wednesday on a friend's rooftop. Should be a good time! The white dress you have on near the end pictures.. where did you get that? It's beautiful!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Wow those sunset pics are wicked! I love extreme summer weather. Summer storms are the best because it is warm and you can almost fele the electricity in the air. Like a crackle. :)

MS said...

LOL - the 90"s comment.

Very cute.

Wow, the sky looks amazing.

. said...

That dress is so pretty! I love the color!!

Anonymous said...

The yellow looks lovely on you. The dress I believe is actually the 'kurta' of a salwar-kurta set a traditional garment of India (salwar = pants/bottoms, they could either be really roomy harem pants kind of things or could be snug like the jodhpurs). That particular type pf mirror/sequin work is specific to the state of Gujarat.

♥ Cara Mia ♥ said...

ah yes, the 90's...good times! :) the outfit is fierce!

i'm working on a new blog and was wondering if you'd like to swap links again?


Wondering Woman said...

That dress looks great on you, too bad it doesn't have a zipper. Wanted to thank you for mentioning the agave syrup in one of your posts. It's my new favorite thing, I can't tell any difference in taste between using it or sugar and it dissolves instantly when making cold iced coffees.

etoilee8 said...

That white dress really suits you!

Eyeliah said...

Your dress is stunning stunning, I would have had to have it too!!! I have soo many yellow dresses already. The sunset and lightning was crazy, but I did miss the fireworks for the fundraiser party.

Unknown said...

That dress is stunning. You look gorgeous in it:)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That yellow dress is adorable! I love it! Also, it has been sweltering here lately! And we don't have a/c. :(

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

You're totally channeling Sienna. Love those flats! And you look so fabulous in that maxi!

Anonymous said...

I love those shoes--you've hit her style perfectly!! Fabulous outfit :-)

Zara said...

All these dresses are so damn gorgeous! Carrie's right, you suit every single colour you lucky thing. You could sew up the slits on the yellow dress a little to wear without tights?

I read your post about your magazine feature - congrats! You look fabulous in a bikini so I wouldn't worry about it :) Definitely worth flauting! What's your exercise regime if you don't mind me asking? I need some tips on what I could do to tone up!

I adore your positive outlook on life and think you're such a huge inspiration. Whenever I feel a bit blehhhh I can always count on coming here and finding a cheery post or some food for thought. One of my absolute favourite blogs ever (and I read a lot of them!) so please don't stop writing! :)


GS said...

Look what I stumbled upon! lol Miss Miller is totally jacking your style!


How random is that? She must be reading your blog ;)

Anonymous said...

loving the dress
its gorgeous
you look great in it and paired the accessories and beauty well
beautiful darling!

check out my blog @

arbyn said...

Lusty, I just wanted to tell you I was inspired by your photos to wear footless tights to work today! Actually I'm really happy with my outfit. I'll send you a pic later to see if you agree with my choices :)

Love the sunset pic of us! We look so tanned in that light!

goldenmeans said...

This dress looks amazing on you!! I'm envious. What a find :)