
Monday, March 16, 2009

Shop your (boyfriend's) closet

Shirt: Boyfriend's (George by WalMart ;); Jeans + tank: Forever 21; Belt and chain bracelet: ASOS; Bag: Mom's (Perlina); Necklace: Lochers

Much ado has been said lately about shopping your closet. This is a grand idea at a time like this and especially for someone like me who has an awful lot in her closet (and in overflowing drawers, or stuffed under the bed or in suitcases in storage or in her car trunk).

I look at what's in and decide if I like it or not - most of the time I don't, especially if I find it doesn't flatter my body or doesn't suit my style (for example, ripped jeans? You will never ever find me in them. Looks amazing on so many girls but it's not "me.") But I also get inspired. Like nudes - I have loved nude clothes for a long time but it's only now that I've noticed them more simply because they are "in" and begging to be worn. Lately I have been on a mission to combine slinky nudes with royal blue and I wonder if I have such items already at my disposal. If I did, it would certainly prevent me from going out and buying them.

Anyhoo, my problem with MY closet/wardrobe is that it is large and scattered and takes a lot of effort to figure out what is what. Excess to the max which can be frustrating at times.

I wish I could figure out a way to warp my wardrobe like it was Polyvore and build outfits online without resorting to trying everything on (trying on clothes is a pet peeve of mine - I hate it). I know I would first have to photograph everything but that's one of those projects of mine that keeps getting put off and put off - I just can't seem to find the time! But I must make the time.

Anyhoo, so me being lazy and inspired by Garance Dore and her love of wearing her boyfriend's (hmmm, Scott Schuman aka The Sartorialist, I hear *wink*) clothes, I decided to do the same. After all his clothes are easier to find. And sadly, i fit them which either means he's small or I'm big.

I put on his grey jeans which he had deemed "too tight" and wasn't a fan of the baggy saggy look, especially in the butt area. So I opted for my own grey jeans (which I bought, inspired by HIS grey jeans) and one of his shirts. I still have to keep some feminine wiles so I belted the shirt so I had a waist and added my mother's new Perlina handbag (finally, my mom has nice stuff!). It's a huge departure for me to embrace my tomboy sloppy side but meh, it was fun.

Hope everyone's Mondays are less "Mundaze" than normal. I feel shit honestly. I got maybe 3 hours of sleep as I was tossing and turning last night. You know when you aren't quite awake but you are still thinking thoughts beyond your control? That's what I had. Except it was about LOST since we just finished the fourth season. I just couldn't stop thinking about it, arg!

On the positive side, I entered the "Smooth" phase of my diet where I am allowed four days of being able to eat pasta and hamburgers. I had a happy meal from McDonDons on Friday night, followed by feeling extremely guilty (the diet told me to do it!).

I woke up the next day, had a run through the park and when I weighed myself later I had literally lost 2.5 pounds overnight. Huzzah! Eat McDonalds, lose weight? My four days of SMOOTH are almost over now but hell I'm just excited that I only have 8 pounds - out of my 15-pound goal loss - left. Easy peasy.

And I feel better too. I spent the night at my bf's parents house (we wanted a night in a mansion and they were away) and it's funny how different you look when you look at yourself in another mirror besides the one you see everyday. Last time I stayed in their guest bedroom and looked in their mirror must have been at Christmas. Looking at myself the other day was a shock. I could honestly see that I have lost weight, it was like the outline of what I used to look like was still etched in the mirror. If anyone is trying to lose weight and just not seeing results, I recommend looking in a mirror you haven't looked in for a long time - you'll see it!

Other people say to try on clothes and see how they fit - well with me that usually works with jeans and not this time because my legs are actually getting larger (it's the muscle on my thighs) so my jeans aren't feeling any looser around the thigh. I think this is because when I run, my underdeveloped calves (part of my disability, apparently) don't do most of the work. BUT I am seeing a physiotherapist tomorrow so hopefully I can get that straightened out and learn to run properly!

x0x0 Lusty


  1. so happy for you! nice to shop in another closet and lose weight! you are well on your way to your goal!! i'm thinking the running is going really well for you! i wish it was for me - still no weight loss really :(

  2. ha, i've done that with bfs before... but never made it look GOOD! it was more along the line of "let me wear your enormous comfy college sweatshirt to the movies," not "let me wear your shirt and still look hot"... so nicely done :-)

  3. Hehe i guess I'll have to go find a boyfriend to steal clothes from! Cute outfit =)

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Nice twist! I love how you made the shirt seem feminine with the belt. I love big shirts, but I also have to be careful to balance them with tighter pants, or else it ends up looking weird.

    Thanks for the link - I linked you as well!

  5. Loving the belted top look, one of my favorites to do! :]


  6. I may have to try this SMOOTH diet. Anything that allows you to eat McDonald's and makes you lose weight is right up my alley. :)

  7. Sil - well I've been running since December and only NOW have I lost some weight. I don't know how much weight running really helps you lose, I think the diet and going off the pill must have something to do with it as well! So keep it up!

    Emz - or your brother!

    Vegas - well actually it's a diet comprised of four-day modules called the "4-Day Diet" - Smooth mode is only four days long and is the best but the rest can be HELL. That said, I was allowed to eat 3 pancakes this morning and I could only finish two...

  8. love the whole wearing-your-boyfriend's-clothes thing. honestly, guys clothes are so so so much fun. love your bag too!

  9. Sometimes it feels like guys have better stuff than girls do. Their razors are sharper, their shirts are softer...

    I love stealing my boyfriend's hoodie. It's so soft and comfortable.

  10. Nice outfit! I wish I had a boyfriend's closet to shop, but at least I have my dad's. This reminds me that I haven't stolen his red bowtie in ages...

  11. Oh my gosh you look gorgeous in your bf's clothes! If I were to wear boys clothes knowing my luck I would get mistaken for a boy lol but you pull it off with such ease! This diet sounds insane... I must try it! Is it a new fad? (i.e. atkins? The Zone kinda thing) you must have some major discipline to pull it off, well done!

  12. i always steal shirts from my boyf. haha.
    love the bracelet. have one too.

  13. You two look adorable together! And of course I love your look!


  14. I do it occasionally,,.except mine is so huge that most his items are large and generally TOO big...haha...this has to be one of my fave looks on you though ;)...effortless and sexy

  15. I can't tell you how many times I steal his Polo shirts and oversize hoodies!! haha :] shhh! xx

  16. Anonymous10:41 AM

    oh congratulations- you look so radiant and I clearly see you lost weight!
    congrats, I think being self-disciplined on sectors that matter to yourself and being successful by that is one of the best feelings!
    do you do a special diet? what are the rules?

    with loads of admiration

  17. You make that shirt look so feminine!

    Good job with the weight too, you rock x

  18. unfortunately my hubbys pants are a tiny bit too small. :-( I try on every new pair he gets just to be sure - lol! I see I am on your blogroll (yay) I added you to mine too. See you Thursday. :-)

  19. Garance's work is so inspiring! liked how your hsopped your boos closet, im doing that always with the hubby! when i gegt bored with mine i attack his.that shirt looks great with the belt dear!
    muah x

  20. love the purse, shirt and jacket. i am also jealous of your weather in the province next door!! i hope my blog can be as awesome and insipring as yours one day!!

    xoxo Stacey
