
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spring Look #2 - Think Pink!

Although Vancouver is a hell of a lot warmer than the rest of the country (why it's even warmer than most of the USA at the moment) we don't get off all that easily.

We have had 19 straight days of fog!

No wonder I've been tired, achey and blah. I didn't even realize it's been 19 days of this, funny how you can get lost in the fog like that. All the days sort of blended into one (though I did miss that first week of fog due to DISNEYLAND so I guess I had it a bit easier than most).

You know what else makes it easier? PINK!

Not competing with the brashy florals I wore yesterday, I injected subtle (and not-so-subtle) hints of pink into my daily grind. It's not in your face but it does perk up the grey, and almost cuts through the fog....

This was on Sunday, sporting my new skirt and tights I got on sale at H&M. Also new are my grey lace-up boots from ASOS. I finished the look with Forever21, skinny patent belt, silk shell and cozy cardy. The skirt certainly is pretty (and was free! with purchase) but it did NOT do my butt any favours.

Here I am before work, reading the weather forcast (calls for fog) - or am I reading about Hugh Laurie? I can't tell.

Anyhoo, ASOS Satin Ballet Flats, Emilio Cavallini Opaque Tights, H&M skirt, Forever 21 camisole (underneath, the pink peeking through) and ASOS Charcoal Pussy Bow Wrap Sweater make up this outfit. Oh and my Mat & Nat bag which I am still loving and stoked that I now have shoes to match. Think Pink!

Put on my new ASOS dip-dye chain necklace too (earrings from some shop in Italy..apparently peppers are good luck?)

Leaving the apartment, I stuck on Forever 21 mustard coloured-peacoat. Got it early last year and it only cost me $8!

And here I am in the's even interfering with the camera. Least the colours are coming through. Much more stylish than a safety vest!


  1. Love both these outfits :) That coat is gorgeous, and such a bargain!

  2. Me likes it too! Only problem is there are no pockets. I like pockets.

  3. ooh how cold does that fog look!

  4. Thank you<3

    I love pink and the entire outfit. I want the hat too. I'm scared to try but my store was sold out. =[


  5. No pockets! That does suck..

  6. ooooi i've been wondering if i should get that skirt from h&m. I saw it @ h&m online store and it's on sale.... >.< WHAT TO DO, ITS SO CUTE but yet poor atm Lol

  7. You look cute!

    thanks for your comment. Oh yes, it does help if you're a tennis fan. I'd probably be bored out of my skull if I wasn't!

  8. That ruffle skirt is awesome.

  9. I can empathize with your foggy weather, gliding myself through days like that ever since the New Year waltzed in, albeit with a day or two with gorgeous sunshine and an almost springlike feel in the air.

    Your outfit is gorgeous and I love that ruffled skirt. It looks great on you, don't worry about the back! :-)

    I came over from Carol's Paris Breakfast.

  10. I totally empathise about the GREY weather! I am trying to be brighter but am struggling as my posts demonstrate atm!

    More brights.....soon! :)


  11. I totally empathise about the GREY weather! I am trying to be brighter but am struggling as my posts demonstrate atm!

    More brights.....soon! :)


  12. love love LOVE the pink!

  13. You're such a beautiful :)... and love the coat so pretty.
