
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

On the bandwagon, again

First things first.

I finally gave into Facebook.

Over the last wee while, I had been getting friend requests from various people. I ignored them, dutifully.

That is, until I read an article in the Globe and Mail, about how Facebook isn't just for the youngins. So then I figured, hell if these journalists are on Facebook, perhaps I should be too.

I mean, it's not MySpace - which, sorry, I will never join....probably because I have a blog in which to pimp myself out on and that takes up enough of my time - and now that time will become even more precious as Facebook

Seriously, last night, the hours just flew by, especially when I discovered the whole checking out people you went to high school with. Who was still hot? Who got fat? Who had kids? Who looks the same? Etc...

And then this mornings, the reprocussions of Facebook settled in.

Apparently this thing sends an email to EVERYONE in your email accounts. That's a lot of people.

Now people I haven't talked to in years are popping up, psycho ex-boyfriends whom I thought I would never hear from again (and with good reason), people I worked with once upon a time.

It's nuts.

And it's now another thing to distract me from work. Not that I need it, but man do I love being distracted from things I should be doing.



Below is the infamous picture of my leap in Kakadu National Park, Australia, in 2001.

If you want the recap, listen to my BlogTalkRadio interview (link on the previous post). Otherwise, know that I will be posting the full-version of this story on this blog or my travel one sometime soon. And know that for someone with a fear of heights, leaping over a hundred foot deep chasm was one of the scariest things I have ever done!

Ever faced your fears?


  1. Well, if you're adding people on Facebook and you get bored, you can add me. I'm 'blue memphis' over there.

  2. I gave in and did finally join MySpace. It is dumb. I wanted to try and reconnect with a friend I lost touch with.
    She has MySpace but never responded to my message to her.
    I guess that's that.
    Now I have a page that I don't want anything to do with.

  3. Facebook only sends an email to everyone in your email accounts if you allow it to.

    I've never used this option and don't think I ever will. Especially considering that Gmail auto saves the email address whenever you send out an email.

  4. I gave in a couple weeks ago.

    I suspect that I'll lose interest in it at some point in the near future. But, for right now, I am all kinds of hooked.

  5. i went "airborne" in the army, hoping that jumping out of planes would help cure my fear of heights... no such luck. awesome photo though!

  6. Lol, you gave in to facebook! I'm still in college so facebook is a HUGE thing for students. It's our biggest form of procrastination, and it's sad but almost everyone uses it to find out about other people's lives and to be nosy. It's also our main source to find out about events and invite people and's pretty addicting...

  7. I was sucked in to facebook, too.

    Love the pic, and LOVE the girl standing by, arms crossed, as if she's in line to buy a mocha!

  8. That reminds me of a picture I took of my brother doing a great job while rock-climbing. I have to dig that out and scan it in...

  9. Scanned and posted.

  10. I don't have a fear of heights but like you I have a fear of falling. I don't think I could do that, it looks so scary (and I reckon I would have tried to poison 'trevor' in his sleep or something). congrats on doing that though, that a cool picture to have!

  11. Hey there!

    Facebook addiction cannot be cured. Of this you should be aware. The addiction to Facebook can be identified by constant checking, creation of random friends, and lastly, significant procrastination.

    That picture is pretty amazing. Talk about a leap of faith!!! Good on you for getting it done!

  12. just looking at that picture is making me want to freak out and run to the nearest safe grounds. that's so freaky!

    i have to say, i am highly addicted to myspace. it sounds pretty much the same as facebook - being able to spy on people that you used to know without them knowing it - it has also gotten me back in touch with people i thought were lost forever!

    thanks for the congrats - things seem to be going pretty well for me this year!! Yay for jobs with a future in them! :)

  13. I'm very happy to hear you haven't given in to MySpace. I would have to not only disown you, but kill you in some bizarro way :)

    I used Bebo. Bebo is kind of neat :)

  14. Facebook is soooo addicting!

  15. not a fear of heights:- but sometimes an overwhelming urge to walk off the edge...

  16. I listened to the show, just after it aired, and remember the description of 'the void'. OMG...that is huge and dangerous. I lived in Katherine in the Territory and know the type of country you went thru and that it's really tough going. Great photo. Definately one to treasure.
    PS: The show was great

  17. Wow .. I couldn't do that leap without peeing myself a little ... ok a lot.

    How about that person who is scaling between the 100 foot deep chasm .... that's balls!

  18. Facebook is an even bigger time waster than blogging....but I'm hooked!

  19. Fakebook/Myspazz/fakebook/myspazz.

    Lolzz, have fun. I don't need anymore timewasting webshites to visit, I'm snowed under with them as it is.

  20. Lusty, love the photo.

    There's even the earth.
