If you could see candid drunk photos from any other show, what show would it be?
PS, If Perez Hilton is reading this, I would like to pose this question: Since Paris Hilton was arrested for violating her DUI probation last night, how come you don't blog about that? How come you never have anything negative to say about possibly the most overrated and negative person out there? Me thinks you have been handsomely paid off by Paris herself, which explains why everytime she does something stupid, racist, illegal, mean, dicey, you never ever write about it. You want to be the "top" of the gossip game? Perhaps you should try being a little impartial and start blogging about everything that makes the news, not just those stories that only put her in a good light. Which is probably why you never mention her anymore...
Gah, there is too much gossip about that stupid beyatch, anyway. I found it interesting that the AP (Associated Press) is now trying to cut back on any useless (and it's all useless) Paris Hilton news on the wire.
Hmmm - A Puma t-shirt. As I learned this morning...
Somehow, I doubt it...
I wish the AP would also cut back on Anna Nicole news.
So last week.
Amen to that sista. PH blogs about BS crap ALL THE TIME but nothing about PHilton who is JUST AS BAD. Very annoying!!
ReplyDeleteCute pics!!!! I would luv to see Greys Anatomy cast getting drunk and down n dirty. I bet thered be so many cat fights too.
ReplyDeletePerez Hilton is addicting but ur so right about him suckin up to Paris. He didnt mention anything about her racist rants, fake ids and everything else on Parisexposed.com. Brown noser!
I think she is so naturally hot. Evangeline, not Paris Hilton.
ReplyDeleteI love Perez. He makes the world a-ok lol.
ReplyDeleteTHE OFFICE, dwight, michael, jim, ryan... waasted
ReplyDeleteI know you said not to ask, but I would be interested to know how you got some photos from a celeb's private collection?
ReplyDeletegood pics!! they live normally! yay! kinda makes me wanna go hang out in hawaii :)
ReplyDeletePerez is paid by perez that's how he gets to play with the name. He can't mention anything negative about her, however anyone else is a target. By the way he was saying something about that movie you worked on, you should email him and give him some info.
ReplyDeleteI think I'd like to see the cast of 24 drunk, just because it's another chance to see Kiefer Sutherland get drunk and tackle inanimate objects.
ReplyDeleteLOL - I just can't stop laughing and I agree with Eileen - enough with Anna Nicole!
ReplyDeleteAdjil- I doubt it too
ReplyDeleteEileen- I never realized how much coverage there was on Ana Nicole until I turned on my TV. DEAR ME!
Clw- I know, I wish he would address it cuz it's so obvious.
Lulu - Greys would be fun but they are always drinking on the show so...
Surfercam - She is a hottie!
Kass - Yeah im addicted too. arg.
Rosie -Uh,....are YOU wasted? Oh. Wait. You are just listing people from the Office that you want to see drunk...gotcha.
Indiana - I shall never reveal my secrets
Rachel- If you are going, I'm going too.
Kiwi- Hmmm, this makes sense. Where do you get your hot information from? What else do you know?
Hoosier - Ah, Keifer. I'd pay to see that. And he's Canadian too, so you know he'd get right pissed.
Expat - It's true. I know she wasn't an important person by any means but I am amazed how much controversy her death has caused.
apparently when he started his blog he was just a schmoe like you and me who happened to know a few people 'in the know'. Then when his blog started to get famous he actually met and started hanging out with Paris Hilton and became one of her "friends". He insists that his friendship with her does not affect him blogging about her and that apparently he has her blessing on saying whatever he wants. Yeah right - he just doesn't want to lose his little friend.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I know all this shit.