Overrated: Friday
Underrated: Saturday
Overrated: Mustard
Underrated: Garlic Mayo
Overrated: Casual sex
Underrated: Vibrators
Overrated: Acting cool
Underrated: Affection
Overrated: Grey's Anatomy
Underrated: BBC's The Office
Overrated: Strappy stilletos
Underrated: Flat boots
Overrated: Fancy expensive martinis
Underrated: Ceasers
Overrated: Children
Underrated: Marriage
Overrated: Waxing
Underrated: Deplitories
Overrated: Cats
Underrated: Horses
Overrated: Playing the lottery
Underrated: Scratch and Win tickets
Overrated: Dan Brown
Underrated: Raymond Chandler
Overrated: Jessica Alba
Underrated: Audrey Tatou
Overrated: Waking up early
Underrated: Sleeping till noon
Overrated: Night clubs
Underrated: House parties
Overrated: Contiki Tours
Underrated: Traveling solo
Overrated: Fact
Underrated: Faith
Overrated: Being in a relationship
Underrated: Being single
Overrated: Trying to be strong
Underrated: Crying your eyes out
Overrated: Realism
Underrated: Hope
Overrated: Dane Cook
Underrated: Jimmy Fallon
Overrated: Swimming in a pool
Underrated: Swimming in the ocean
Overrated: Living with someone
Underrated: Living on your own
Overrated: Knowing what to do with your life
Underrated: Not having a clue
Overrated: Blogs
Underrated: Blogs
So right about Cook!!!
Underrated-Going for a walk
I should clarify one of my ratings:
Overrated - Being in a relationship
Underrated - Being single
The fact that I say relationships are overrated because society (Cosmo, your mom, TV) tells women (and men) each day that they are nothing without being in a relationship. And that being single is underrated because so many single people feel looked down on and pitied because they haven't met the right person ("Oh don't worry, I'm sure you'll meet someone someday.")
I think that's bunk. I think people should stop acting like you are only something if you have someone and start realizing that there are tons of single people out there who are happy on their own and are single by choice and dont need the pity of coupled people out there.
I agree. I'm in a fantastic relationship right now and would not trade it for the world.
However, I also hate the whole "Smug Marrieds" looking down at the "Singletons" and their lifestyle. All women aren't desperate for a relationship and having one does not make you better than someone who doesn't.
(Sorry for the Bridget Jones analogies, but I thought it quite proper :)
Awesome list. I can't believe you referenced BBC's The Office.
Not to turn this into a single thing, but you know what one of my friend's said (which sucks b/c i'm a single): "Single people these days are just being selfish" Okay, really I know part of what she was getting at, but I couldn't help thinking "I am being selfish wanting to be single cuz I have been cheated on twice and need time to gather myself again."
I think being single is overrated b/c there are alot of great things to it. Though it is tough and I would like a b/f. Boohoo.....!!!
ooh.. and i like the underrated for not having a clue what to do w/ one's life...
this should be addressed! i felt so pushed to know what i wanted when I was younger and had NO idea who i was or what i wanted, when i should have gone travelling or worked and not to stupid college. damn teachers. damn parents. damn me for listening to everyone... so easily influenced.
That is terrible. Being single is selfish now? As if we don't have to put up with feeling desperate, disillusioned and dejected.
I say fuck that. I say people who say things like that are one of those mentioned smug marrieds that revel in their relationship if only to make other people look bad.
and believe me when I say that having a boyfriend IS overrated. Any wonder as to why I'm single? I have a hard enough time dealing with myself. Why would I want to take on another person as well? Maybe that IS selfish but I dont care a bit.
F-it... not selfish at all. Its called "taking care of yourself". "Finding out who you really are". Umm... "Independent Woman" *cue Destiny's Child
Shawn ~ I agree with "Sloop John B"
Overrated: Stairway to Heaven
Underrated: Over the Hills and Far Away
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