
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Getting comfortable

An email appeared suddenly in my inbox, springing upon me without warning:

"Hi Wanderlusting. You have been selected for a job interview within the blahblah division. Please meet us at Starbucks at 2:30 for your interview."

I don't recall applying for any jobs within EA, so you can imagine I was a bit confused as to why I was being forced to have a job interview within a division I had never heard of. The blahblah division? What a stupid name.

So, at 2:30, I flounced (yes, I sometimes flounce about at work, though stomp like an elephant most of the time...usually in the morning)over to Starbucks and sat down with three people from the blahblah division. One of the interviewer's I had seen before, flouncing about the office. I was a bit confused about her gender before, but now I know for sure. It is a her.

Anyhoo, I had my interview. They explained there were two different positions that they were trying to recruit for and they figured it was best to start with us losers (read: temps). I don't know what the positions are really about because all I got out of it was that it had to do with getting the computers to test the game, and not actually having to test the game yourself. Kinda like a phantom is playing with the console.

That sounded fine and dandy, but I was getting a bit aprehensive. I was getting so comfortable with my team and NBA 07. I was enjoying the fact that my working hours and my breaks blend into each other so that I can't tell whether I am on my break or not. Maybe they won't want to hire me, I thought. Maybe I can stay in my perpetual break and not have to learn anything new.

But it seemed they really liked me and were impressed by my resume. Damn it!

Then came the questions...

Q: Ever had a manager you didn't get along with?
A: My last boss was a dick and a horrible human being.

Q: It says here that you know how to use Office and Excel...
A: Yeah, no, I don't. I did the Excel test for the temp agency and failed splendidly.

Q: So, what are your favourite kinds of video games?
A: I don't normally play video games. I hate them.

Q: What do you like best about working as a game tester?
A: I get to blog on the internet all day long.

Q: Uh. So, what brought you here to EA?
A: I applied for the job as a joke and here I am!

Q: Well, thanks for dropping by....

I hope to hell that my honesty isn't endearing.


  1. Please tell me you didn't honestly say those things lol.

  2. Brutal, ignorant, honesty.

    It's my new strategy in life.

  3. I think you were ok, up until the point you said you hated video games, after that the interview may have flounded.

    And ignorant honesty may just be the secret to the universe.

  4. I fail to see what is so wrong with wanting to have a job that consists of an 8 hour break period. You know, today, I came home and slept for the last 4 hours of my shift. I don't see anything wrong with that, except that my co-workers left messages on my phone. Luckily, the ringing of the phone didn't wake me up. THAT would have been terrible.

  5. you're too funny

  6. Stuck in micromanagement hell as I am, your job sounds divine.

  7. yeah and it's fun to complain about too

  8. I just had to stop in and say hello because I LOVE your screenname. Wnaderlust is my favorite word. Ever.

  9. Especially when I spell it correctly.


  10. Anonymous11:08 AM

    charming young lady aren't you..... honesty is best!! You'll get the position because you are a new face amoung all those boys over there....

    ... my interview on the other hand didn't go so well and when the guy asked me if I had ever been in a working enviroment that was dangerous... for eg. being sucked in by a jet propeller....

    WHAT!?!? the red light came on and I left the interview.. too dangerous for me!! The guy said he'd call me back on tues. but I think I'm better off where I am.... good luck to you!

  11. yeah i didnt get the job, but i also didnt want the job (more work, no more pay) and i didnt apply for the job, so really, i have no idea why i was interviewed.

    Awww, dont let the jet propellers scare you! They mean no harm.

  12. That's a great way to approach the interview! You are sure to get the job beause they will be bowled over by your brutal honesty.

  13. Hahaha awesome the first question is hilarious
