
Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm So Lame

And oh so bored. I've got nothing but time to kill before the new build loads up on the ps3 and we can do some further tests, so I'm sitting here flipping through a giant ass magazine, In Style. It has Scarlett Johansson on it. We have a love/hate relationship. I started off hating Scarlett and her trying to be Old Hollywood and her stunning looks and her big boobs and her good acting.

Now I realize that I was just jealous. Now I love Scarlett and she's up there on my "If I had to be a lesbian, I would pick her" list. Oh, and she loves Disneyland. I love Disneyland. So anyone who loves Disneyland is OK in my books.

Anyway, this brings me (I think) to why I'm so lame. I'm reading the ads in the mag because that's all it is, and I see a stupid Ad for Dressbarn. It's trying to be like one of those American Express ads, asking all these questions, only its not asking Robert De Niro, it's asking some stupid Dressbarn twat.

So, I'm gonna post these questions and maybe you can answer them. But only if you are as bored as I am and have nothing better to do.

What do we need to know about you?

What do you like about your friends?

Favourite singer?

What's your favourite line?

Name someone you never want to meet?

What do you believe in?

If you could take only one thing with you before you left the planet, what would you take?

Someone please...entertain me. I realize that stuff like this is lame and very high-school and most people can't be arsed to answer included. But anyway, I'm too stuborn to erase it. So if anything, tell me something random or a joke...or say hi. Or yell at me. I don't care. I'm dying here.


  1. What do we need to know about you?
    I'm weird. You may not realise it, unless you see me eating a pie from the inside out.

    What do you like about your friends? They're very understanding when it comes to my psychotic, whining, hating nature. And of course that they rock and make me a better person for it.

    Favourite singer? Ooh, a tough one. I don't think I have a favourite, just some that I think have the most interesting and I enjoy listening to. Those are: Ric Ocasek - The Cars, Iva Davies - Icehouse, Lou Gramm - Foreigner, David Covendale - Whitesnake, Neil Finn - Split Enz/Crowded House...Oh and there are soooo many more. So I'll stop listing them now.

    What's your favourite line? Well you see, its all in context. Its from The Rock, and the scene is with Sean Connery (of course), he (his chracter is Mason) breaks through glass, using the quarter an agent chucked at him. Then he goes, and its classic Sean Connery, pulling out all the Scottish stops..

    "Walmac! Why am I not surprised, you piece of shit!"

    Yeah, I guess you have to watch it to appreciate it lol.

    Name someone you never want to meet? Stephen King. That guy gives me the fucken creeps.

    What do you believe in? Above all things, love.

    If you could take only one thing with you before you left the planet, what would you take? Bjorn.

  2. Hey Lusty. Days like this are why coffee and booze were invented.

    There's something about Scarlett that stops me from lusting after her. Can't really figure out precisely what it is, especially as I have only seen her in Lost in Translation.

    Maybe she's too robotic for my taste.

    Yeah, that's it. She's like a big-titted Roomba.

  3. That's funny... we have something in common... Scarlett is on my "I'm glad I'm a guy, because I would pick her" list.

    I'm almost as bored at work as you are. That's why I'm furiously looking for a better position at this company and beyond. I might miss all this blogging time... or not.

    In answer to your questions:
    - underneath my clothes, i'm naked.
    - my friends are awesome, genuine people... even the folks who don't blog.
    - Sarah Mclachlan is right up there on my list with a bunch of other singers.
    - "Let's go."
    - any of the Bush clan. they can disappear from the face of the earth.
    - i believe anything is possible.
    - some good music.

    that's all i got right now... can we see your answers eventually?

  4. Yay! Something to do.

    Kass - Do u have any pictures of you eating a pie from the inside out?

    Wombat - Well, I've got the coffee part down.
    Now that you mention it, Scarlett is very...I don't know...unemotional, maybe? Detached? Just a big-titted Roomba (lol)? But very easy on the eyes.

    Minijonb - Yes, after lunch when I have nourishment and can answer coherently. If that's possible.

  5. What do we need to know about you?
    I have an overactive imagination and it can get pretty scary sometimes.
    *What do you like about your friends?
    I can go for months without talking to them and they are still my friends. And they are pretty.
    *Favourite Singer?
    Not Bryan Singer. How dare he let Brett Ratner make X-Men 3!
    *What's your favourite line?
    Maybe I will Milhouse, maybe I will.
    *Name someone you never want to meet?
    My alter ego
    *What do you believe in?
    God. Love. And monkeys.
    *If you could take one thing with you before you left the planet, what would you take?
    My camera. And a clean pair of shorts.

  6. Fortunately for you, I dont have a picture of myself eating a pie from the inside out.

  7. What do we need to know about you?
    > I have a pathological love of disco.

    What do you like about your friends?
    >Their ability to talk quality shit improves steadily with age.

    Favourite singer?
    >For subtlety, Bryan Ferry. For beauty, Dionne Warwick. For variability, Robert Palmer, Peter Gabriel or Morten Harkett. For smoothness, Isaac Hayes or Marvin Gaye.

    What's your favourite line?
    > "When Cameron was in Egypt's land; let my Cameron go" - from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Surreally twisted moment.

    Name someone you never want to meet?
    > Hmmm... Can't think of anyone.

    What do you believe in?
    > The indestructibility of human enterprise.

    If you could take only one thing with you before you left the planet, what would you take?
    > Wikipedia if I was feeling reponsible, Scarlett Johanssen if I wasn't.

  8. What do we need to know about you:

    What do you like about your friends:
    They're friendly, friendly friends are good to have, unless they're too friendly and then they cross that friends line that no friend should cross.

    favourite Singer:
    At the moment....Keith Urban, yummy.

    Favourite line:
    "Wheres my Poodle"

    Name someone you never want to meet:

    What do you believe in:
    God, love, hope, the avian bird flu - its real and its out there

    If you could take one thing with you before you left the planet what would you take?
    my poodle

  9. Anonymous2:43 PM

    What do we need to know about you?
    Like my brother said, "She's really nice- once you get to know her." In other words, I'm a bitch but I can be very nice(sometimes)

    What do you like about your friends?
    I don't have many b/c of my answer to the first question but the ones I do have don't judge me, have the same morals as me and think a lot like me

    Favourite singer? P!nk- I kind of feel dumb for admitting that but I love her and I can't think of anyone else

    What's your favourite line?
    _______ doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. (I like to point out stupid people.)

    Name someone you never want to meet?
    My sister's ex-husband (again) I'd go to jail after killing him.

    What do you believe in?
    Making the best out of any situation- or just bitching about it until it's over.

    If you could take only one thing with you before you left the planet, what would you take?
    pictures or paint/canvas

  10. My (completely lame) answers are as follows:

    - I'm not as smart as I think I am.

    - What friends?

    - Van Morrison

    - "Dude, did you just drop me off a cliff?" (Failure to Launch)

    -David Letterman (egotistical bastard!)

    - Soul mates

    - my Bible

  11. Quarkman: Morten Harkett = a gorgeous genius. I've seen Aha in concert, twice, both times rocking and fucken awesome.

    Almost Famous Kiwi: "I'm not australian" lol I know how you feel.

  12. oh my gosh I love your rant on scarlett. I feel exactly the same way.

    and I'm pretty sure I went through the same emotions.

    last summer when I was in London visiting the man whose name we do not speak of, I noticed a very attractive portrait of a very attractive girl on his door. I thought... "who is this slut!"

    turns out it was our scarlett. I hated her then.

    but I love her now.



  13. Kass: Also saw them once back in '94. Hands-down best male voice ever.

  14. quarkman: Well if they rocked '94, then I'm pleased to tell you, they haven't changed. If you get another opportunity to see them, I highly suggest you do!

  15. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Jason is obsessed with scarlett... and now because of your admission may be a constant visitor of anywhere but here..... sigh

    hate to love her... to love her!!

  16. Anonymous12:01 AM

    What do we need to know about you?
    i really LOVE the colour green
    What do you like about your friends?
    That they're more like family than just friends

    Favourite singer?
    At the moment, Corrinne Baily Rae, but possibly Mariah Carey (weird chick, amazing voice)

    What's your favourite line?
    Some say the glass is half-full, others say it's half-empty, i say...are you gonna drink that?

    Name someone you never want to meet?
    Members of the KKK...

    What do you believe in?
    God, Love, Hope, Faith & Trust

    If you could take only one thing with you before you left the planet, what would you take?
    My photo album
