
Monday, July 10, 2006

The Fine Art of Losing Your Cool

So, despite being tucked away on the boat this weekend, I still managed to catch the World Cup Final on Sunday....of course, we all favoured Italy, because, hey who favours the French? (I'm just kidding, Olivier, Xavio and Arnaud and all you other Frenchies out there!)

Piled into the Yacht Club's outstation caretaker's house, we had beer (at 10:30 AM, perhaps it was a little early for that), hot-dogs and various footy fare and sat down to watch what turned out to be an exciting match. No, I didn't think going to a shoot-out was perhaps the best way to end the final, and I did think that with Zidane and Henry out, Italy should have easily scored during that last bit. But you got to give credit to France for putting up a good fight. Who you can't give credit to is Zidane....

His headbutt was not only shocking but unjustified. Only, of course, like anything, there was some "justification": The Paris-based anti-racism advocacy group SOS-Racism issued a statement Monday quoting "several very well informed sources from the world of football" as saying Materazzi called Zidane a "dirty terrorist." Now let's say that Materazzi did say those words to Zidane...can you justify what Zidane did?

"Zidane is someone who reacts to things," said Aime Jacquet, Zidane's coach at the 1998 World Cup. "Unfortunately he could not control himself. It's terrible to see him leave this way."

With the whole world watching, how could Zidane think he could get away with it? Maybe because it was his last game and he figured he could go out with a they say, bad press is good press. But, sheesh, try going out with some dignity...maybe he wants everyone to hate him.
Now, I've had the misfortune of losing my cool and doing some pretty stupid things - I do know of the point where all you can see is blind rage and you drive down the road screaming at the top of your lungs, or say things you don't mean to say. So, it's not to say I don't understand. But isn't civilty what seperates us from the animals? And can losing your cool ever really be a fair excuse? I don't think it's a good excuse for me when I blow a gasket...understandable perhaps, but dissapointing at the same time. We should be better than that.

It's a tricky subject and something that's been on my mind as of late. What's most annoying is the fact that Zidane is staying mum on the subject and won't give anyone any clue of what drove him to such a childish act. Maybe somethings can't be figured out...or aren't meant to be. Posted by Picasa


  1. well, I know that a lot of women over here think Zidane is a hottie ;)
    And he still won the gold cup for MVP of the whole yes, he got France to the cup. Who is to say France wouldn't have won if Zidane didn't get the much-deserved red card? But because he lost his cool, we'll never find out...

  2. oh yeah well I watched the game at a Sears (in the tractor slash electronic section) in Kelowna.

    And I cheered for France. The headbutt was the coolest thing I've ever seen -- and someone hired a professional lip reader and apparently the guy actually said something nasty about his sister...

    which is worse than being called a terrorist.

    or dirty.

  3. What if he called his sister a dirty terrorist?

  4. Anonymous7:58 PM

    No worries, we think we know where the dirty terrorists are hiding so you have no reason to fear anyone thats either dirty or a terrorist because you can guarantee that your government is in control, yes we are in!

  5. yeah I think the only thing that would be worse than calling your sister a d.t. is calling your mother one.

    actually, that would be pretty funny.

    and really the last word on anything you're arguing about.

    "Oh yeah? Well your mother's a dirty terrorist."

    End of conversation.

  6. I think my smiling Irish friend Peter put it best:
    "But if Matterazzi did call him "son of a terrorist whore" only hours after his (Zindane's) mother was taken to hospital, seriously ill, I think that I too would have done what he did. Other reports say that he called him a "dirty terrorist" and others said that he called Zidane's sister a prostitute. Either way, the Italian was looking for a reaction and he got it and it changed everything."
